
Why doesn't someone invent a THC patch?

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ok its not technically legalising weed just the chemical it produces.




  1. They sort of have -  it's called a fentanyl patch and slow releases a morphine like drug into your system. But you wouldn't want it unless you had chronic pain.

  2. they might at the medicenter...... or the people who make Marinol might start making a patch

  3. Because THC does not absorb into skin well at all. It can only be abosrbed by lipids (fats oils butter) or alcohol.

    I could see that being used for a medical patient to administer THC, but it is much more effective in a pill form, and even more effective in a smoked form. And what form would you put that THC in? certainly not liquid because it would evaporate quickly. Solid would not abosrb. How could you do gas? and THC does not come in plasma form (joking).

    THC is pretty unstable in light, oxygen, and heat so it would be very weak when just sitting on a patch.

  4. cause it would be illegal to make a patch that feeds you thc into your blood system you would still get high

  5. It's different than just a nicotine patch - because nicotine is addictive and the patch is the alternative to quitting - which leads to the next point - Weed is not addictive. Anyone who says so is lying. A THC patch would be ridiculous- it would just give you munchies and make you sleepy most of the time.

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