
Why doesn't sunscreen work for me?

by  |  earlier

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I use SPF 50 and I apply it every 2 hours...and I still get burnt pretty bad. Basically everyday we have to march outside for marching band and we're standing right in the sun. I googled a few science websites and they said if there's not certain ingredients in your sunscreen than it won't work as well...but my sunscreen has all the specified ingredients. Does anyone know whats wrong here?




  1. Sunscreen will work on everyone, so there is something wrong here.  A few possibilities:

    - Your sunscreen is too old.  Sunscreen degrades over time, so don't use it if a year has passed since you first opened it.

    - You sunscreen was exposed to light or air before you applied it.  You aren't leaving the cap off, are you?

    - You aren't applying enough.  Sunscreen needs to be applied liberally!

    Beyond that, the only thing I can think of is that there is something wrong with the brand.  In that case, switch to another brand.

  2. It just won't work on some people.  I'm the same way.

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