
Why doesn't the Olympic committee investigate the age of the Chinese gymnasts?

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Are they just pansies?

China's own newspaper printer her age on two different occasions last November and in May. She's 14. The corrupt Chinese government obviously cooked her up a passport (not hard to do when you're the government) and conveniently added 2 years onto her life.

So why don't they have the guts to prove that she's 14, take the medals away, and then punish them for the conspiracy?

It's so out in the open it seems to make a mockery of the rules and of the Olympic committee.

Your thoughts?




  1. Tired hearing Chinese govt. is corrupt. ALL govts are, including U.S. ! The I.O.C. can only look at the 'official' documentation, how can anyone actually prove a date of birth ?

  2. I still cant get past the whole conspiracy of awarding China the Olympic games...its one big hypocritical joke..

    The Olympic Committee has no backbone and they will just brush this under the carpet in fear of offending China... With 1 billion people and a surging economy, you dont wanna get on the wrong side of this country!

  3. I'm almost positive they will somehow,

    problem is china is corrupt and all they had to do was show passports made by the Chinese, who obviously forged them.

    When you compete against a country like china, you have to expect this type of behavior.

  4. If there is prove before the Olympic is over

    Like if someone shows up with another passport or a birth certify

    That will not happen

    The Chinese government had done this in the past

    The Olympic Committee said you only need a passport with the age of the gymnast.  They assume countries would not give you a fake one

    Can you image if America or England or most other country did that

  5. who cares its just 1 measly medal anyway. Yawn. USA is second why cant you accept?

  6. Who cares????? well that was a lame statement.

    , why can't we all use our 14 year olds then, people that love cheating are bad for the world.

  7. who cares if shes is it's fantastic to be that good at 14

  8. If China is indeed cheating as what you're implying, then it will be difficult to counter and catch them. I am not saying they are indeed cheating, I will give them the benefit of the doubt that somehow Asians sometimes really look younger than their actual age.(that is a fact) I'm 17 and believe me people mistake me for being 12!!

    I don't think now is the time to investigate, it should have been before the Olympics or maybe after. This controversy, if proven will not only be bad for China but also for the IOC. The IOC's reputation will be damaged terribly. That's the only reason I can think of right now on why they didn't investigate the case because of their beloved REPUTATION>>>

  9. Yes because we know so much better than the those that are there to keep the games fair.

    That girl Shawn looks under 16 to but she isn't so why would the Chinese who have billions of people to choose from and probably have another 30 girls waiting in the wings to compete break the rules oh that's right the USA newspapers told us so and we all know they never get it wrong.

  10. The did what could be deemed as one before it even started - and the information they were provided supports that these girls are old enough.

    What else are they actually supposed to do? Pull out the thumb screws and interrogate them?

    If they can change a passport, they can change a birth certificate just as easy. If this is a government level conspiracy, then the word powerless works here.

  11. The controversy was well known prior to the start of the Olympics. That's when the investigation was supposed to occur. The IOC supposedly "did what they could" and approved the girls.

    (Wow, three thumbs downs? Did you watch the Olympics? The girls are there. Nothing I said is made up. I didn't say whether or not I thought they were of age. Only that they supposedly looked into it.)


  13. Firstly I am NOT saying that these gymnasts are, or are not, the correct age. I repeat, I AM NOT commenting on that.

    Looking at this situation from a practical legal standpoint (as the IOC would have had to), a newspaper reporting the age is NOT of a good evidential standard. (What was the newspaper's source, was that source correct, was their a typo that was later repeated?).

    On the other hand, the documents provided by the Chinese Government (passports etc) are recognised throughout the world of being THE evidential standard in identification of individuals.

    Now, I think the IOC is in the main a herd of nepotistic, corrupt, trough swilling, junket addicted swine but presented with these documents, as they were, what would you have them do?

    They asked for authenticated proof, they were provided with authenticated proof. The proof was of an evidential standard acceptable to ANY court in the world. Whether they like it or whether they don't, the case, at that point, is closed.

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