
Why doesn't the President have line item budget veto power?

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Every President since Carter (and probably before) has requested the power, but Congress won't cede the power. Why not?

Don't give me a bunch of c**p about it being the Democrat controlled congress, it was the gop controlled congress as well.




  1. Take a close look at the Constitution.  The purse strings belong to congress.

  2. The Supreme Court shot the line item veto down.  The idea of adding an Amendment has never gotten very far.

  3. Ronald Reagan was first to ask for it. Dems are against it, including Jimmy Carter. I think you have your facts messed up

  4. they say that it's unconstitutional.  i dont know which article.

    they need to change the constitution and allow it.  we will never get rid of the pork barrel spending without it.

  5. Yep, thats right if he had that then there would be no pork on each bill.

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