
Why doesn't the US government tax the rich more than the currently do?

by Guest62346  |  earlier

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They are rich, they can pay the taxes, they lived the American, its time for them to pay the taxes.




  1. This makes sense if you are a communist. Capitalism doesn't work if you take all the rich people's money and give it to poor people.

  2. Because those rich people tend to be large political supporters, and if they feel slighted, they won't cough up the big bucks at election time.  

    Money, money, money.  Greed, greed, greed.

  3. You do realize that the top half of wage earners pay over 95% of the income taxes collected, the top 10% pay almost 2/3, and the top 5% pay over half of the income taxes collected?

  4. Because their part of the "Rich" why would they want to tax theirselves more? I think they should start taxing all the immigrants that get all their money for work. They pay nothing for taxes. Why should we pay more taxes so they don't have too?

  5. YOU have misunderstood a critical component of taxation;

    the gross tax obligation of the "rich" is

    much higher than any other level.  Their

    NET tax bill, however, is much lower BECAUSE they either STUDY

    tax deductions or they hire investment

    managers with instructions to

    invest in things that provide HUGE

    write-offs or tax deferments or

    similar "approaches."

    If, like in other nations without such

    deductions, the rich live like middle

    class cause their culture does not

    permit such "benefits."

  6. They already pay a helluva a lot more than the average person.  It is not fair to take away all of their money because they worked hard and are more successful than you are.  The top tax rate is over 35%.  The average middle class family pays about 10%.  The rich are already paying MUCH more than the average person.

    EVERYONE should pay the same percentage of their income in taxes.  NO ONE should be exempt from contributing something.  But it is just not fair to try to take away half of my paycheck after I worked hard to earn 3 degrees and have a better job than someone who dropped out of high school and works for minimum wage.  I have huge student loans to pay.  It's not like I have tons of excess money lying around just because I have a good job.

    It's the wealthy investors who really drive the investment market.  If they know that they will have to give up a huge chunk of their income in taxes, they will stop investing because there will no longer be any incentive to be successful.  The capital markets will dry up even more than they currently are which will hurt everyone.

    Socialism and communism have been attempted and failed.  Read your history books.  Taking from the rich to give to the poor is just a bad strategy that always backfires.

  7. What is the definiton of Rich. I have not been able to figure that out. One Stat. I read once fron the Fed. said over 70K. That was a few years ago. I know people who live in 750K homes, drive Hummers and BMWs and travel abroad yearly and they always complain about the RICH. I think ones definiton of rich means any one making more than me. So the only real rich guy is Warren Buffett. I was in my 30's making 15.00 hourly and this never was a concern. I figured that the so called rich paid the majority of the taxes. Maybe someone can help me figure all this out.

  8. Because they can afford very clever accountants to bypass all those taxes. And the rich would just leave the US and go live somewhere more tax friendly.

    Grant, it's not about that. It's the fact that your average billionaire pays less tax than your average middle class family. The percentage should be equal for all.

  9. conservatives dont believe in that, they think they have worked hard for their money so they should keep it. They dont believe in helping out their fellow man. I am quite wealthy... i give most of my money away happily

  10. Define: Rich. For taxes im pretty sure Bill Gates annual tax is your entire salary. (Or much much more but definitely not much much less.) Is it really fair to tax financially successful corporations more because they make more? There are other taxes imposed on their operations. So a statement like "They are rich, they can pay the taxes" doesn't make any sense.

  11. The short answer is... because the rich already pay much more than everyone else.

    In the U.S, the rich are taxed at higher percentage rates than those with less wealth and income.  In a perfectly fair system, the tax rate would be the exact same for everyone.  For example, no matter how much you make or own, a tax rate of 15% would be an equal percentage for everyone.  But currently, the tax rates are scaled.  The "rich" pay as much as 35% or more, and the "poor" pay 0%.

    I would be curious to hear your thoughts on what you think is a fair percentage for the rich to pay.

  12. because that is not fair i hardly agree with graduated rates just because you work hard doesnt mean you should pay more, that is a stupid concept, i am personally for an even rate for all but if you were to heighten taxes i am moving to england or japan or france, sorry dude

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