
Why doesn't the US lift the embargo against Cuba?

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Also, why can't American citizens travel to Cuba? The United States has relations with practically every other country on the face of the Earth, and travel to those countries is not, why Cuba?




  1. Because in terms of the world, the US is a big bully and thinks it can push around all the other countries. Cuba was the only country (the only smart one, in my opinion) that told the US to *F* off when it tried to impose their laws and way of thinking onto the Cuban people. Because America didn't like that Cuba was actually thinking for itself and  not being their little b*tches, they decided to turn them into enemies and cut them off of all trading deals.

    Apparantly America thinks so highly of themselves  and that no country can survive without their aid. I hope that this has shown that some countries actually hate America.

    Plus, I love going on vacation and not having any Americans there to ruin it..... haha

  2. Castro pretty much takes any chance he can to try to give America the finger, read up on the Cuban missile crisis in the 60's and his emptying of his prison in the 80's and letting them all get on boats to come to the USA to see good examples of that. add to that all of the Cuban expatriots in Florida that hate Castro with a passion and it would be political suicide for any politician to suggest it.  the usa's position seems to be, we will wait for him to die and see what the next guy is like.

  3. For starters, most of the answers submitted up to now, haven't a clue of historical knowledge.  I do not know what facts (if any) they have used to reference this very complicated issue! The invasion at Playa Giron (better known as the Bay of pigs) occured in April of 1961 and was a product of the politics of the time.  Batista's regime was sponsored by The United States who left the independant Republic to it's own mercy when faced by an atomic threat by the USSR.  In reference to the "rich landowners"  the dictator's father was one of them!  Casto is the illigitimate son of a Spanish landowner with one of his mulatto servants,  who he later married upon the death of his wife.  Hence Castro's need for power.  Look up his biography from

    differnt viewpoints so you'll get your opinion well documented.  Cuba's " peso", at one time had more value than the American dollar, Cuba has NEVER been "a banana republic"!  Cuba was a safe country to live in and the rampant prostitution that is NOW seen commonly on the streets was not the way of life 40 years ago. There are so

    many incorrect opinions posted!

    I would say Castro, in hindsight, gave "the finger" to his own country  and got this same finger back at him from the russians when USSR made the agreement with The United States to retire the nuclear weapons from Cuba if the island was not invaded for as long as the russians had the control of the island. Castro, by the way, learned of this agreement through the radio!  What Castro did was put a russian collar on a free nation.  

    He took all the islands resouces and gave power to he very poor and made a whole country know the meaning of hunger.  This is betrying his country and filling his pockets! If he used the advanced medical resouces for the people of Cuba instead of offering it at a costly price to "foreigners"  Cuba would have a healthier population.  These medical resources are not offered to the Cubans if not paid for with dollars or euros.  Cuba does not accepted the cuban peso at any hotel or night club either.   The port of Mariel was a way for Castro to empty the prisons.  This was a costly expense to the state and he "killed two bids with one stone".

    The embargo is the result of "waking the sleeping giant".  The rest is politics at it's darkest best.

  4. Eventually they will but the strong exiled Cuban lobby in South Florida controls the politicians who most likely wouldn't get elected without their votes.  Those exiles, many of whom are descendents of the  murderers , rapists and thieves who fled Cuba during the Mariel boat lift do nothing to help the situation.  The wealthy who fled Cuba with Batista the previous dictator also did nothing to help the ordinary Cuban when they ran the country.  Some hold onto the  mistaken belief they will recoup their property,   That ain't going to happen. Castro is nobody's lackey least of all the United states. Cubans are proud of the fact they are no longer a banana republic and don't want a return to the days when Havana was full of prostitution, gambling and a sin destination for Americans.  Of course the U. S. is so hypocritical, they encourage travel to China and Viet Namn but continue to punish the poor Cuban.

  5. Because the SUGAR CANE GROWERS in Florida and Texas DON'T  WANT IT... just look at what happened to the sugar cane famas in Puerto Rico.

  6. it's like marijuana.  they just won't.

    also they have a lot of republicans in florida of cuba descent (about a million strong) who opposes any normalization of relations with cuba as long as castro is still in power.  

    most of those rich republican cubans in florida are sore because their properties in cuba were taken from their families when castro took power. remember, one reason for the revolution of 1959 was because of the state of cuba at that time, lots of landowners, lots of poor people. think of haiti today, or brazil; just a small handful of families own most of the arable land in their countries, with the poor owning little to nothing.

    most of those cuban republicans are all waiting for castro to die so they can all try and flood cuba and try and retake their properties, haha, good luck to that.

  7. Also the Diaz Balart family are still sore that Castro divorced their aunt.

  8. Ha!  Are you really serious?  Cuba was pretty well the only country who gave a big middle finger to the USA.  Believe it or not, countries can survive without the USA.  I hope Chivas steps in after Fidel croaks and keeps the Americans out!

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