
Why doesn't the website include Jefferson Davis in the line of past presidents?

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I was taught in school (25+ years ago) was included as one of the presidents of the US.

Why doesn't the whitehouse website include him? Isn't this leaving out a very important part of history?




  1. Are  you joking?  You were taught in school he was a President of the United States?  

    I feel sorry for you and the thousands of other children your public school did a great injustice to.  You should petition to get your parents' property tax dollars back.

    On the bright side, you've only bolstered my argument for privatization of the school system...

  2. he served as leader of the Confederate States of America during the Great War of Northern Aggression...Americans don't count that as being in the Presidential linage

  3. Jefferson Davis wasn't president of the U.S., he was president of the Confederacy. That's not the same thing.

  4. You were taught wrong 25+ yrs ago.  Jefferson Davis was President of the Confederate States of America (CSA), not the United States of America (USA)

  5. He wasn't a president of the US he was President of the Confederate states that lost the Civil War.

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