
Why doesn't the first sirah of the prophet exist anymore?

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Ibn Ishaq wrote interesting things, but it's not available anymore; only parts of it were referred to in other sirahs. It was writen about seven decades after the prophet died. Being the first sirah, how could it just vanish?




  1. As per the comments of a few scholars:

    First, Ibn-e-Ishaq was BORN a little over seven decades AFTER the death of prophet Mohammad. Therefore his biography cannot be less than atleast 100 years later to the Prophet.

    Second, the biography of Ibn-e-Ishaq is rediculous. It is more like fairy tales and the accounts of EVEN the panic situations are detailed to an unpractical extent.

    Third, Ibn-e-Ishaq, did not care ANYTHING in writing the biography. He just gathered and wrote WHATEVER he got. Whether from a truthful person or a CONFIRMED liar and criminal.

    Fourth:  There are OBVIOUS mistakes in these biographies. Just like Many Hadiths, they list incidents with reference to people that were either NOT even born at that time OR it was technically impossible for them to be present in those places at that moment.

    Therefore, the biographies according to Ibn-e-Ishaq and Ibn-e-Hassan stand rejected, unanimously.

  2. Some pieces of the Sirat-e-rasool still exist, the original was a little to much and made Islam look bad...worse, and so was taken off the shelves.

  3. ghjgfuytrjweyrgwehjgrjhwgrhjwetruwtweyrw...

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