
Why doesn't the government do like a Manhattan Project to develop alternative fuels?

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They did it to develop the atomic bomb concentration with the greatest minds in the country. Why not again?




  1. its conspiracy to melt all ice wipe out land and reduce human numbers thats why

  2. why should the government be involved in making fuel? the reason the manhattan project was government run is because it had to do with weapons research, specifically developing a nuclear weapon BEFORE germany or japan developed one.

    let the private industry develop the alternative fuels, and get the government out of the way.

  3. They already did.  

    It was the same Manhattan Project that made nuclear power reactors a possibility.

  4. There is no immediate identifiable enemy other than us.

    In a democracy perhaps there would need to be more nearly a consensus that this it the right way to go. We have gotten out of love with having government do everything for us. And we have already created the Hypercar, but failed to deploy it even though it could cut fuel usage by a factor of 4 with no reduction, or cut by a factor of 8 if we all cut our distance travel led in half.

    We are able to build hypercar and run it on energy that comes only from the USA and is now available.

    However, it would take a decade to decide to do it, and another decade to deploy it if we were of a mind to do so.

  5. Because power control and greed is what drove the Manhattan Project. Power money and dominance are much more motivating factors for people in power. It's easy for them to unite and work together when it's in their direct benefit or interest or to maintain their status of dominance. But when it comes to genuine causes, like the environment, world hunger, or other humanitarian or environmental crisis' they are reluctant to provide support. All the governments and major industries have strong financial and political connections with oil industries, and to keep them pleased they do as the companies will. I agree we definitely need more funding, support and global unity on the development of alternative fuels. It's a global problem, we should be working towards a global solution.

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