
Why doesn't the ideas of guilt, redemption. and mercy become outdated?

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I just need somewhere to start...




  1. Because guilt is a part of our human experienced whether real or not.  If we are truly honest with ourselves we are broken and wounded people that need restoration and redemption as well as acceptance for who we are.  

  2. God is eternal


  3. Simply because, people still sin.

  4. because they are not mere idea's they are facts .

    We are all guilty and need of redemption and mercy .

    And Thank God , He , by His self gives us that Redemption and Mercy from Our guilt .

  5. Mercy already has, as witness by the people that were beheaded on international TV.

    Jews can't let guilt die, why else would they call their mothers?

    Christians cry for redemption, but they don't do what it takes to get it done

  6. You need somewhere to start what?

    Spreading feelings of guilt,

    That you alone can redeem,

    So people look at you as if you're merciful.

    And then, I bet, you need our money.

  7. I guess I'm not sure why it should. It is simple from thousands of years ago and God's Word is eternal. We are sinners (guilt)...need Jesus to atone for our sins (redemption) and most assuredly need God's Grace (mercy).

  8. Quilt, redemption and mercy?  Wow!  Just when I thought I had heard it all...

  9. Everyone feels guilty for their misdeeds at some point in their lives.

    Everyone wants to be redeemed after they've done wrong.

    Everyone wants to be shown mercy when they're being punished.

    These are elemental human reactions, so they'll never become outdated.

  10. start at the cross....that is where they became outdated...they are no more through is one thing to be preached at... but it is another thing to dispell the preaching and take hold of one thing...Christ died for it is gone and there is your starting point now the hard part is claiming it and believing it no matter what.  Period.  Belive in something ...anything....but believe it and stop playing revolving door with the nuts!

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