
Why doesn't the media focus on the GOOD things police does?

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You always hear about some guy getting tased or shot by the police, but you never hear the full story, or you never hear about the heroic deeds the police does. What's up with that there are more good cops doing great things than inexperienced cops doing bad things...




  1. It is trying to desensitize us to the growing police state. For the same reason it reports only a tiny fraction of the building of a police state around us. It is brainwash pure 'n simple. If we see things often enough they become part of our reality and we are less likely to resist. The media is not your friend. It is a weapon of class warfare. It is run by the same elite global freaks who buy up the politicians that do their bidding.

    This excellent film explains it. Called Orwell Rolls in Grave. It is about the merger of media and government. It will knock your socks off. We all know how media lies but we dont all know how bad it really is.

    Watch it and consider it your vaccination for media brainwashing that will continue to worsen as the power-elite strenghen their grip over us.

  2. its like you work at mcdonalds you made a cheese burger correctly your boss isn't going to praise you but you make one wrong he's going to let you know

  3. That's just how the media machine works. If you just heard reports of the good the police did that would be pretty boring and wouldn't make for very good viewing. People are tuned to gossip about negative stuff and criticize anything out there and the police make perfect fodder for this. In any big organization protecting the people there is always big room for improvement and though heroic deeds don't go unnoticed, through bravery awards, promotions and mentions that are made in the paper etc. in a way you would expect this to be an everyday occurrence if they are fully committed to their job.

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