
Why doesn't the people push government into funding Amtrak more?

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Do not tell me that trains need subsidies, al modes of transportation have government funding.




  1. Amtrak is a demonstrated benefit to commuters within a specific geographical region.

    Areas of service do benefit greatly from the provision of reasonable reliable transportation alternatives.

    However, in terms of public participation, I will readily scream loudly to my congressional representatives (including both Senators) if the large population centers (NY, DC, etc) along the eastern seaboard get buckets of my tax dollars appropriated.

    Those taxes come from places like Montana, Alabama, Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, etc. where there is no rail passenger services.  Why should citizens in areas which Amtrak does not service subsidize the service to fewer customers who happen to live in geographically "selected areas?"

  2. Because the taxpayer has discovered that Amtrak is simply not worth the money.

    Any money given to subsidize Amtrak is money that cannot be spent for more useful purposes.

  3. To go along with the previous poster, not that many people ride Amtrak either.  So not alot of people will support more taxpayer money for something they don't use.

    Maybe if the gas situation gets significantly worse, you'll see more people using train transportation, then there may be a call for greater funding.  But for right now, Amtrak has been losing money for years hand over fist.

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