
Why doesn't the temperature follow a trend month-to-month?

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Some people are under the impression that temperature trends must follow an upward slope month-to-month for AGW theory to be accepted.

Is it a valid assumption?




  1. Global Warming trends are subject to change at a mear whim to make them fit the current line of B.S. that the scam artists are using for that day, week or month.

  2. I agree with accessdeneyed's answer about it being a long term trend. The problem now is the trend is for cooling not warming.


    Actually Richard your chart does show cooling as an average from about 1998 (the graph isn't detailed enough to give the exact year of the datapoint) but you will notice the datapoint just before the 2000 year grid line that is the second highest on the chart. The other datapoints are at or below that point. Adding these would give you an average of the same or cooler temperature.

    Also please note my fourth article from the British Telegraph website talking about this lack of temperature increase in 10 years. You will notice the author is Prof Bob Carter  a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, engaged in paleoclimate research.

    Also notice my first link, from the BBC,  that talks about the next cooling. They also mention that NASA thinks 2005 is the warmest with 1998 being second where as the Hadley Center puts 1998 as the warmest. Either way the average has not increased.

  3. when did 'darwinism' (i assume he is talking about natural selection) get disproven then? quick, tell the bird flu virus it cant mutate anymore! hooray!

    it does have a yearly cycle because there is more land in the northern hemisphere.

  4. If the Earth is warming, then we should see an upward trend over 10 years, wouldn't you agree?

    But this isn't happening.  There hasn't been any year as warm as 1998.

    Now scientist are saying that global warming is taking a break and it won't be getting warmer till 2012, or 2020 depending on the group doing the research.

    So how can AGW be a valid argument when temperatures have been on a 10 year decline and may be declining for another 12 years even when co2 levels continue to increase?

    No one can predict the future.  No one knows if it will be warmer or colder 10 years from now.

  5. The AGW believers only look at evidence that supports their beliefs while ignoring all other science.

    That's why most scientists no longer say that AGW is anything more than a disproven theory, like Darwinism and the Flat Earth Theory.

    I expect a few thumbs down - many don't like the truth revealed, but don't want to debate it.

  6. The troposphere (where global land/sea surface temperatures are measured) isn't a closed system. It interacts with the stratosphere, ocean, glaciers, sea-ice, etc.  The combination of wind patterns, ocean currents, seasonal variations, etc. cause heat energy from the troposphere to be transfered to/from these other mediums in a somewhat chaotic fashion.

    As we recently saw, a significant amount of cold water from deep in the ocean coming to the surface (La Niña) will have a temporary cooling effect on the surface temperature. That doesn't mean any heat has been lost from the total planetary system, just that some heat energy is transfered from the air to the water.

    If we could measure a true planetary temperature (atmosphere, all areas of the ocean, ice, dirt, rock, etc.) then I suspect we'd see a much smoother month-to-month trend that would show a gradual increase in thermal energy.

  7. No. The theory of global warming accepts that there will still be some temperature fluctuation in the short term, but long-term global temperature continue to rise.

    So, December will still be cooler than July (in the northern hemisphere), but the temperatures both months may be warmer than for the same months 10, 20, 30 years before.

  8. hmmmmm, and I always thought it did. You mean is now Cold in July and Hot in December????????? For all my life, it was cold in the winter hot in the summer and decent in the spring/fall. What do you know, maybe next September it will snow and next Feburary it will be 90 degrees.


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