
Why doesn't the uk ban alcohol??

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it would be such a better place without it

i do drink like in a blue moon

but if it was baned then less innocent people would be Vitim's of violence




  1. yep would be a better world with out it,,like ciggies,,,fatty foods,,etc,,enjoy in moderation i say,,i agree with the violence thing though,,have seen people turn into demons when drunk,,not good.

  2. Yes but without it inocent people who cant handle stress dont have a way to relax themselves instead of turning miserable or maybe commiting suicide.

    Plus if alcohol was banned there would be riots and god knows what else. Noone would have the balls to make an alcohol ban.  

  3. no, violence would be more pronounced and more deadly with booze runners and speakeasies, look at US history with prohibition

    with easy transport over/under the english channel to france, how may people would just go to france to get plastered?  how much money would bars and liqour store owners and brewers loose?

    There are amost 60,000 pubs, many vinyards & wineries, untold amounts of liqour stores, and over 100 breweries in the UK... that would be a h**l of a lot of people loosing their jobs

  4. Two reasons, firstly economic. The government would lose too much money.

    Secondly, because banning drugs hasn't stopped them , just put them underground where criminals make money. The same would happen with alcohol. People would just make their own.

  5. Ever heard of the Prohibition Era? Do you know anything about the mafia situation in Italy right now, especially in Sicily? Well you must want to be just like them because if the UK outlawed alcohol, that's exactly what would happen, just like it did in America in the 1920's.

    Read this and see if it doesn't change your mind.

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!...

    that's freaking hilarious. that's about as likely to happen as osama bin laden winning the nobel peace prize. or michael vick being a spokesman for peta. or brittney spears winning the fields medal for mathematics. ridiculous.  

  7. Because the government get a lot of tax revenue from it

  8. thats what im trying to figure out myself!


  10. prohibition doesn't work..

    drugs are illegal, how many people still do them?

    s*x under 16 is illegal, how many 12 year olds get pregnant?

    immigration is supposed to be more many million people are there living in this country illegally?

    etc. etc

    people will not stop doing something they enjoy because it becomes illegal.

    look at places like The Netherlands, where everything pretty much is legal...

    they've had about 3 civilian murders in the last 10 years.

    its the policing of the substances that should be sorted out.

    its so much safer when its in the public eye.

  11. why deprive the sensible amongst us just because some moron's can't no - it shouldn't be banned!!!

  12. do you really think that the government would do that??? thats why they will NEVER ban cigareetes....the Gov'ment makes too much money off them - its a business just like microsoft or mcdonalads or even the little shop down the street!

  13. It shouldn't be banned. Just because a minority of people use alcohol irresponsibly it doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't have any.

    Anyroad, moderate amounts of alcohol are beneficial to the body.

  14. They don't ban it because they are not stupid.

  15. That's just stupid.  Builders for example, they have had a hard day at work and all they want to come home to is a nice beer.

    It's the government who should be taking the alcohol off the idiots who abuse it.

    Why should everybody have to suffer for ones mistake???

  16. It would never work people would just make it in their bathtubs.

    What a silly question!

  17. Because the banning of alcohol in every historical example has lead to more harm than good.

    The Rum riots in the Georgia Colonies. Resulted in troops firing on colonist who attempted to get alcohol stored in the city hall's basement.

    Prohibition lead to record high murder rates the like of which have never been seen since in the US, not to mention the more than $13 billion in tax revenue lost between 1920 and 1933.

    Besides, when used properly there isn absolutely nothing wrong with alcohol.

  18. You'll be wanting to ban smoking next - especially in pubs.....

  19. America already tried that.

    It didn't work.  

  20. there would be more violence as a result of a rebellion trust me

  21. ..and when you do drink during the 'blue moon' you enjoy it?

  22. good question. maybe they're keep it legalized just like Amsterdam legalized marajuana. they reduce crime (even though the same things are being done) and the government saves and gains money by not having to make busts and arrests and they tax the stuff.

  23. You do know what happened when america tried to ban it

  24. You'd have better luck finding Atlantis on the Moon than you would banning alcohol.

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