
Why doesn't turkey come in the middle of the Georgia and Russia Fighting.

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Since Turkey is always wants more land, why don't they also invade Georgia? Since 90% of Georgia military is fighting Russia and 5% in Iraq all they have to do is come in and kick ***.

I am not Turkish but i would love to see an invasion. I'm smelling a world war one alliance! (The ottoman empire reborn)




  1. Turkey wants to maintain order in their own region. They are mostly fighting to crush Kurdish seperatists. They are not fighting because they want more territory, they are doing it in order to suppress a movement that wants to break apart from Turkey. After the invasion of Cyprus Turkey has only had minor squabbles with Greece. Mostly tough talk. However Georgia is not in any way interesting for the Turks.

  2. Ossetians have a strong alliance with the Russian historically, the people do not want to be part of Georgia anymore. they were better off when the Soviet Union was around and Georgia is anti russia

  3. Too much risk, not enough reward. They really get no significant increase in resources or strategic land. It would be harder to control the people in georgia than it would be worth it to be there. Their would also be an outrage from the UN and the rest of the world. Their is just absolutely no reason for them to do it.


    It started with Ossetian Provocations on the de facto borders. However, After little shootouts Georgia declared unilateral cease fire. It lasted several hours but Ossetian separatists - or let me say the ones that did not wish to stop - continued shooting and taking "lives of Georgian villagers".

    Georgia was alarmed and decided to "restore constitutional order" in the region or maybe they meant over the ones that did not stop shooting. Anyhow, that is what Russians waited for so long and decided to "make them pay" (Vladimir Putin) for what they did. (what they did on their OWN sovereign territory.)

    It was easy for them to mobilize troops because they have been stationed near the borders for WEEKS.

    prompting Georgia to think it was a well pre planned provocation. and that is what I think. Russia does not want Georgia to enter NATO. Russia does not want stable Georgia. I am sure they will find something with Ukraine too. Things like pro Russian region Crimea in Ukraine and so on and so forth to mount tensions and Black mail them. Very aggressive. War criminals !


    Days of sleepless nights and hundreds of Reliable news sources.

    P.S. NEVER LISTEN TO RUSSIAN SOURCE ; such as and etc. Propaganda machine.

  5. Well, I hope you'll see enough blood and death of women

    and children to make you happy... but as for Turkey, I think

    they have their hands full at the moment, killing Kurds.

  6. Problem is Georgia invaded South Ossetia... Not Russia. Russia has effectively removed Georgia from South Ossetia - forcing Georgia to live up to the peace treaty they signed with South Ossetia.

    This has nothing to do with Turkey.

  7. Because the Turks have close ties with the West, and an invasion would be political suicide.

  8. I've heard ,but don't know to much about what's going on up there. My policy is always the same.

    Stay out of affairs that don't concern you. I'm not familiar with Turkey, but I bet there are more important things they could be doing for themselves. Unless one and/or both side decide to ask Turkey for help/support, they should do what they are currently doing, whatever that may be.

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