
Why doesn't yahoo have a category for Meat Eaters

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Why doesn't yahoo have a category for Meat Eaters




  1. dumb veggies think they know everything.

    Meat is awesome. without it you are a sad little person, not enjoying life to the fullest.  

  2. There is.  It's called the rest of the subcategories under Food & Drink.  Quitcherkvetching and look at the Cooking & Recipes section--you'll see plenty of questions for meat-based dishes.

  3. the cooking section includes meats, but it doesn't include vegans/vegetarians. that's why we have our own section.

  4. In 30 years time when no much meat eaters remain in this cosmos, you would be left alone out of a few others hiding elsewhere, the rest would be the vegetarians. Killing & Meat eating would be classified as taboo. I hope there would be an hidden column for you.

    Note : Underground butchering will still going on!

  5. they do sweet heart, it is called "Food & Drink" - us veggies are a SUB section of that.  :)

  6. They do, it's called Food & Drink/Cooking & Recipes.

  7. eyeryone eat meat  

  8. It does under general cooking.  

  9. Well that would be what the rest of the food and drink section is for. But it makes sense they would have a section for vegetarians/veg@n topics and such.

  10. It's called the food category.  The v/v section is the only category for non-meat eaters...The rest is for meat eaters.  Stop complaining.

  11. the Vegetarian and vegan section is here because most people eat meat by the meat eaters category is food and drink

    I ♥Judaism, I think you should do some research. ''We need meat'' is an old excuse now. People saying we need meat just makes my veggie resolve stronger!

  12. The entire food & drink category is open to meat eaters.

  13. There is "general food and drink", whats wrong with posting there ?

  14. they should! there is a place where u can request things and make comments on the answers site

  15. weird question lol  

  16. Wow, this is a good one.

    Gee, I always thought that the entire food&drink section was for everyone.

    Wouldn't the majority of the sections be suitable for meat dishes.

    FYI - This is the vegetarian FOOD section, not the vegetarian PERSON section.

  17. cause vegetarians/vegans would got over there and rip on the carnivores the whole time!

  18. It's not a specialty diet

  19. becuz i like living .......meat is protein  ....u need it

  20. Because trolls like to "go" places, not "have" their own place.

    Like the entire rest of the "Food & Drink" category. Yeesh!

    This question isn't about "equal rights" -- instead it's protecting and pursuing even more "special" rights.

  21. because we don't feel the need to feel like we are special and have a category just for us.......unlike the veggies who need to feel superior and special

  22. because most people eat meat.

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