A very strange thing is going on in "the Churches".
We are taught that Jesus is The Savior and then given absolution with the titles of The Trinity. Which way is it? It cant be both ways !
There is a warning given by Our Lord about this very thing when He said: "Broad is the way which leads to destruction and many there be who go in thereat". The broad and general titles of The Trinity are the formula used to baptize 95% of Christian believers because our learned men of the cloth do not understand the words in Matt 28:19.
"Strait is the gate which leads to life......and few there be who find it"
The strait, or tight or small gate is The Name of Jesus who said: "I am the door" (How much clearer could He make it?) Baptism is for the remission of sins and is the application of His blood. To deny His Name in this primary sacrament is the height of ignorance and to the shame of all who accept it. Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to The Father but by Him.
Christians, if you think you've got a better way, you ignore the way so generously provided. Read your New Testament and dont let anyone misslead you.