
Why doesnt Law Enforcement use Cats to sniff out drugs, weapons, etc.. Just like they use Dogs?

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Cats have a VERY strong sense of smell.

You can train it to meow a certain way when it finds its target. Just like dogs will bark.

Cats are VERY intelligent and fast learners. Many circuses use cats in many stunts and the cats learn perfectly.

Cats don't require much maintenance . Keep food and water around along with a clean litter box. The cost less to feed as well.

Just curious. I like dogs too




  1. cats dont have the stress level dogs do.  and cats cant chase a person down the street and attack them from running.  police stations might have dogs  but most fire departments have cats.  since they dont take alot of work.

  2. You can't really train a cat to do that much.  This is what I trained my cat to do.

  3. OMG! why dont you go and protest outside your local police station seeing you feel so strongly about it. im sure that they will explain it to you.

  4. because it takes less time and energy to train a dog to do the same job.  Since most police dogs only are allowed on the force for 8-10 years, it is a question of time and money.  Cats are very unreliable when it comes to doing stressful work and for long hours.  They need to sleep up to 16 hours a day, and police work would not be the optimal job for them.  As much as I prefer cats to dogs, there are some jobs that just aren't for them.

  5. Law enforcement are used to dogs. and don't want any change i'm sure there are other intelligent sniffing animals but since they already have dogs why bother with them?

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