
Why doesnt Obama understand that lower gas prices..?

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mean money in the pockets of the working why is Obama and his supports saying the GOP and McCain/Palin aren't concern about the economy at all..since gas prices have caused a lot of your economy to slow down..




  1. If we drilled offshore tommorrow  we wouldn't get any gas prices to drop till 2018 at the least, and thats the BUSH administrations own estimate.  Even then, it would result in 5-10 cents at most.  It's a political ploy that prey's on the average voter who doesn't pay attention to detail, just soundbite

  2. The republicans are the lobbyist for the oil co. what the heck are you talking about?

  3. I will say one word to you IRAQ.

    You know the money pit that IRAQ has turned into?

    What is McCain's PLAN?

    Do you even know? He wants to give more tax breaks to the rich %1 we are not apart of that 1% buddy.

    McCain doesn't care about the people or that we need better jobs or better pay McCain doesn't even have a PLAN for jobs!! Can you understand that?

  4. It's not an issue when you have a taxpayers' credit card in your wallet.

  5. Dems don't get it.  The President doesn't have the final say on controlling gas prices.  It's supply and demand and Wall street, nothing else.  Just like now.  How is that Bush's fault?  Oil companies are making less oil because they can't afford much since that and almost everything else America gets today comes from China.  Therefore they are charging more because of it.  Concept: supply and demand.

    Maybe if the Dems would stop forking over so much d**n money to all these countries, we wouldn't have trouble trying to produce more money to stimulate the economy and bring those gas prices down.  They are always trying to help everyone without thinking about society first.

  6. It makes no sense to me but he thinks that if he keeps lying about how much proven oil reserves we have in North America someone might believe him. It is not working.

  7. right, who the h**l does that osama erm obama think he is doing. instead of taking tax money from people and just giving it to the wealthy corporations he wants to increase their taxes and use that tax money for the better of the people. how dare he.

  8. They know not of what they speak.  Most of what comes out of the dems mouths are total fabrication to make themselves look good.  They have no proof of their accusations and Obama has no record to go on.  McCain/Palin both have solid records for the working class people, as well as all Americans.  They are concerned about the entire country and will do their best to keep all Americans in mind when they are in the White House helping to run the country.

    Of course, the dems are in control of Congress and that is where the problems are.

  9. Because the lower gas prices are a shell game.  The idea is always that we can drill get our own oil from off shore etc and that this will bring prices down.  That is based on 1950's thinking.  As all the other industrial Nations become more and more affluent the availablity of oil  is less and less.  So we have no guarentees that prices will go down in a market driven economy.  They may do so breifly but what happens when China takes over the Iraq oil fields as they are going to do.  They are using the money that we are paying in interest to China to develop Iraq.  So unless we decide to cut pollution, and think smart we will be right back where we are now with higher prices in 20 years.  Why should we count companies that export jobs not sell oil to the highest bidder  Even if the US is drilling?  Obama wants to refocus that investment in wind, clean coal etc.  He has a plan for doing this and McCain has sort copied it in rhetoric but there seems to be no real plan.

    The real question is why are the American People so gullible that they believe drilling is a solution that is going to fix things?  

  10. I know what you mean!  What we need to do is force oil companies to reduce the price of gas to about $0.50/gallon.  That would really stimulate the economy!  What a great Republican idea you have there!

  11. Europe pays 10 bucks!

    They don't complain.

  12. When will people like you educate yourselves and discover that what  Mc Cain wants to do in respect to drilling for more oil will have virtually NO EFFECT ON OIL/GAS prices PERIOD and will save the working class NOTHING but it will put billions of dollars into the hands of the already obscenely rich oil industry .

    Obama will have nothing to do with those stupid gimmicks .He wants to force car manufacturers to make fast and major increases in the MPG that cars get and as was done in the 1970s.This will save the working people substantial monies .This along with Obama's other MEANINGFUL energy proposals will at last serve the working / middle class well.

    Here become a responsible voting citizen and educate yourself by LEARNING .

    The beauty of democracy is that citizens get exactly what they DESERVE and reading many posts in Yahoo Answers goes far to explain why the US is in the mess it is and most of the reason is voter ignorance.

  13. Good point. The only reason I can infer is that he doesn't understand what he is talking about and is just moving his lips. After all, he is a lawyer & not an economist. The funniest thing is that MOST Americans don't understand that point either! Maybe he knows it but knows most Americans would have to actually think to come to that conclusion! And, if they actually think, they will ask him what positions he has and be turned off by them!!! Ever think of that?

    He might think Americans are stupid & say something one day and then the very next day say something contrary to yesterday's statement. Nobody can say he hasn't already done that because there is plenty of video taped evidence to support my claim!

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