
Why doesnt Primerica advertise?

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I see agents and stuff looking for clients through craigslist and other job websites, so why doesnt the Primerica Company advertise? Also is Primerican Good for a 18 year old?




  1. Primerica is a brilliant corporation, they have realized they have a big enough client base and they dont waste money on mindless advertisement, you might be able to work there but it is a scam and you wont make any money, you need to enter a powerful corporation and start at low pay and work your way up

  2. Primerica doesn't advertise because studies shown that a very small percent of people will respond to the advertisement. If you think about it, don't you ignore most of the advertisements you see? They maybe funny, but have you ever call that number or go to their website? Not only that, advertising is expensive. That expense would be pass on to the consumers by charing service fees and/or to the sales force by lowering the commissions.

    Primerica has found that the most effective way to advertise is by word of mouth. Its free and it works. People are more likely to do business with a company when it is referred by friends or family.

    Is Primerica good for an 18 year old? For 18 year olds in general, its pretty difficult to build your business because most 18 year olds are not serious about finance. So there's pretty low credibility and older adults may not take you seriously, except for your parents and some of your friends. But you should know that even if you don't know much about personal finances, neither do most of the people in this world.

    Most people put their life savings in a bank account because its safe and they are guaranteed an interest rate. The average interest rate on a savings account is about 3 percent. What's even worse, there are trillions of dollars sitting in checking accounts in America. Majority of checking accounts have no interest. If the inflation rate is above 3 person, which it is, then you are losing purchasing power on your money. A one dollar today will have decreasing value in the long run if inflation continues to exist. But do you know what most banks do with your money? They either lend it out to people and charge loan interest between 4-10 percent or invest it in the stock market. In the past 25 years, the average rate of return on growth funds has been 12 percent. Primerica teaches clients on how to avoid the middle man (the bank) and get a higher rate of return on their money.

    I don't know anything about you, but if your business doesn't get off to a fast start because your young, at least you will get valuable financial education from the company. But there's lots of people in their 20's making 6 figures in Primerica and that's a fact.

  3. Primerica is more like a scam than an actual company.

    Those agent who recruited gets a kickback from whatever you sale. Also in the system, you have to recruit and actual sell if you want to earn money. They charge you $25 monthly for their online c**p, and also they do not provide healthcare for their reps.

    It is not worth doing it; i have known many individuals who regretted going into Primerica

    also, their main selling point, a subsidiary of Citi Corp

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