
Why doesnt SPEED OF LIGHT have any effect?

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for instance

If your driving a car at like 90mph and you pass by a person standing close by you could feel the wind

but if you shine a flashlight why cant i feel any force of wind since light travels at 670,616,629.4 miles per hour or 983,571,056.4 feet per second (roughly one foot per nanosecond), which is about 186,282.397 miles per second!!




  1. Light particles have no mass at all, so they don't produce much pressure. But it is possible to push things along using only light - there are designs for spacecraft which are pushed along by giant sails which catch the light of the sun.

  2. umm okay well, light has no mass. That is, no real mass. Light exists in a theory called wave-particle duality, proposed by Einstein. This suggests that light can act as both a wave and particles called photons. Photons don't have substancial mass to move anything at all. Not even air. Sorry, just common sense.

  3. Light is a electromagnetic wavelength



    Non of which are mass

    Can you feel electrons?

    Can you feel radio waves?


    Light has no mass hence your senses of touch can not pick up on something like Light its a wavelength

  4. The same reason you wouldn't feel the wind if the air pressure was only .0000001 PSI.  If enough light was pushing against you (with a mirror protecting you I hope), you'd feel it.  

  5. Because the car's volume displaces the air, which means as it travels the air gets pushed out of the way and around it.  This is what you feel as "wind".

    Light passes through the same space as the air without actually interacting with it.  So no air moves, therefore no "wind".

  6. Gnomon is correct - light has no mass.

  7. Quite simply, the light has an invariant (rest) mass of zero, in other words it has no mass, while the air does.

    It's a good thing to because if light had mass the friction between it and the atmosphere would turn the Earth into a fireball.  

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