
Why doesnt Sonia Gandhi back off??

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The unity and infighting in the congress is due to her and we need a stable country!!!




  1. now congress seems like Sonia's personal party,everyone in congress are trying to please mam. no one posses their own personality and guts, and congress what i can say about this circus

  2. Remember its only after congress leaders adopted Sonia Gandhi did congress pick up again. The leaders do not know to walk on their own without the support of Nehru family. The problem is there are too many leaders in the party , majority of them occupied important posts at one time or other and the power was always centralised. So there is lot of infighting. The infighting rested with the coming of S, Gandhi.If S,Gandhi were to go there is no Congress and there is no UPA. Unless the young leaders come together to bring some life into the party. But this also seems difficult as the new Gandhi has already picked up strings to wield power. The old wigs are quite strong. So Sonia continues and Rahul would join.

  3. No we want bad politics always to enjoy

    we want entertainment (provided by our politicians of this country) it is better than cinema.

  4. antons!! First of all congress was not a political party pre Independence. Bapu wanted to dissolve congress after the Independence. But pundit Nehru and others wanted to continue with the name since it was well known even among the illiterates. So the soul of congress itself is defeated there.

    Before he can die he made sure that his daughter gets to sit on his chair thus encouraging hereditary transfer of power. Please take note that only Nehru family has ruled congress post.Jawahar Lal Nehru. And the congress people does not know anybody else to take over that seat. And, Sonia Gandhi has experienced the benefits of power. Being a non born Indian, Who does not like to experience so much power? She literally can give orders to our prime minister. To think of that she had not applied for citizenship for a very long period after the marriage. Noe she has made all arrangements for Rahul to takeover her throne after her.

    The conclusion is, A political party without a soul, And the person heading it does not have an Indian base. Can you expect the kind of dedication from a foreigner that you can expect of an native?

  5. There are no unity in congress (In Maharashtra) and S.Gandhi is not India.

  6. It seems you don't need a stable country. Your definition of the country seems to be the BJP!

  7. Unfortunately congress party  has no dedicated leaders

    like Babu Rajendraprasad,Lal bahadurji shastri,

    now only sycophants are left in the congress,falling

    each over to please the madam.But when we look

    to other option like BJP,they have also to upgrade

    and work more for the country,presently they have too

    many aspirants whereas we need truely more sons

    of soil who will care for BHARAT.

  8. It has been siad in the media that "the exact opposite of progress is Congress" and rightly so. We in India are experts in iconising people. Though we have done away with hierarchy rule called as Royalty, the Congress and their stooges are bent on bringing the Hierarchy Rule of Grand-father to Mother to Son to Daughter-in-law to Grand-son, through the back-door as these spineless individuals have lost faith in themselves and the other senior elders in their group. It is not Sonia who would want to continue, it is these stooges, our own Indians, who will not let her side step. Sad to say these things about my fellow countrymen. But facts are facts.

  9. Rajendara:  --      is unity in BJP? is LK advani Indian? his place of Birth Karachi Sind..............

  10. Sonia Gandhi is the only stabilizing factor in the Congress.  If there had been another Gandhi in her place, all the heirs would now have had some ministries or the other.  She has kept her children away from the posts despite the echo from the loyal congressmen.  She was the only one to decline the Prime Minister's post, she was the only one to resign from the Parliament on the issue of "Office of Profit".  We have other ministers who are still clinging on to the chair despite criminal cases against them.

    Actually, it is the rotten legacy she was compelled to adopt.  Most of the other congressmen are those who were brought either by Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi or Sanjay Gandhi.  Their only qualification is LOYALTY to the Gandhi family and no other. They are usually averse to intelligence.

    I am not a supporter of the Congress.  But I feel it is only fair (I do not mean the colour of the skin) to give Sonia Gandhi her due.

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