
Why doesnt YA ban any more McCann questions?

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Justice will not be found on this site. i think most people are fed up and even disturbed by some of the questions and answers on here. some of the people involved seem to have a s***w loose




  1. People are still entitled to have an opinion on it, whether you like it or not.

    That's the whole point of this site after all.

  2. If you don't want to hear anything more on a subject, don't click on the questions.  

    I'd just like YA to find a way to get rid of the s**t and filth.

  3. We still (at least for the moment, anyway) live in a democracy with freedom of speech. I can't say that I agree with all of the questions or answers on here, but I do agree that people have the right to say it - within the bounds of decency and legality.

  4. What along with all the other controversial topics? Every person has a right to express their opinion and if you don't agree then ignore. Many people find those who defend child neglect disturbing and with a s***w loose. If you only want to hear what suits you, this is not the place to be.

  5. Well said! Where have you been all these months?

    Methinks that its not even about the McCanns anymore.

    There are severely under employed folks here who just want to be proved right...which is ironical as they are the ones who make vile & vindictive accusations without



  7. The Hooded Claw has just taken the words from my mouth, can't add anything to what he has said.

  8. Because this site is all about free speech and different opinions.

  9. No point.People have a choice anyway.Answer them or ignore them.

    I do see your point though.After all this time why are people still experiencing uncontrollable rage and venomous hatred about people they don't even know when there are millions of other cases,the Fritz one for instance.You won't see the same ones raging about him, the actual abuser,rapist,murderer even of his offspring.Certainly not day in day out for months.Why?At this stage that interest has become perverse.

  10. You have the choice to read a question and answer it.  My advice to you would be not to click on any questions with titles you don't like.  Boy, isn't that so simple?

  11. good causes controversy but ensures plenty of answerer's reading adverts.......this is not lost on the nutters that ask these questions, we all know who you are talking about

  12. I agree, especially when some users such as [17pd...] are only interested in fellow sycophants and block anyone else who disagree.

  13. everyone is entitled to an opinion

    If you don't like the question don't answer it

    So simple!!

  14. i'm lost---who is McCann?---are we talking about McCain or someone else--enlighten me---please

  15. Its a question..

  16. Because Yahoo can't control the topics discussed only if they're offensive/abusive

  17. Until there is a definate conclusion to the saga, I'm sure folk will continue to ask questions about it. If you are getting annoyed with all the postings, you should just skip past them and go onto something that you would rather give an opinion on. Good grieff, we are still interested in the JFK thingy and that was many moons ago!!!!

  18. Why on earth are you bringing this up again?

  19. why?there are still questions that are unanswered.until we know more the questions will keep coming.

  20. So long as there are questions on this subject it will help keep awake peoples minds that a little girl is missing. What I dislike are some of the vile and hurtfull question and answers that are made on here the worst being that Maddie is dead or her parents killed there is not a single piece of evidence to back this up.

  21. Its funny you should ask that, as I posted that and more in disguise on the forum a while ago. The answer I got was that "repetitive questions by a user were a breech of the CG."

    However fresh questions were not. so long as these trolls post Q's in accordance with the guidelines they can't/won't do anything about it.

  22. Good God. If I hear (or read) one more person who wants to "ban" anything, I'll scream! Cripes. Then don't read them.

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