
Why doesnt a reg cold cut subway sub look like the picture?

by  |  earlier

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they only use 5 pieces of meat in the sub.they fold it and try to make it like the picture




  1. The pictures are set up by food stylists who got degrees at college and the pictures are taken by professional photographers. The subs and other fast foods we buy are put together by counter personnel at the fast food places.

  2. You should be asking them this question.Then if they don't give you the answer you like,go ballistic.It is your right as a consumer.And remember, the customer is always right.

  3. so they can get ppl to eat it, it never really looks like the picture

  4. no to me it looks nothing like it....its like flatter with like less meat then on the picture....and the meat is cut thinner that the commercials show.

  5. Hehe don't fall for the pretty pictures hun, it's pure advertising.

    Pictures look perfect thanks to the professional food stylists, Yes, there is such thing!

    Look more into it if interested, it's crazy.

  6. no resturant food looks like it does in the picture when you get it on in person

  7. of course they make the pictures look better then how they really make it =[ i agree with you, i like the spicy italian at subway and the picture looks way better then what i get


  8. False advertising-All restaurants do it, and it makes me mad! Just once I want my food to look like it does in the picture, but they are trained to make it look good in advertising to make you hungry, then you will come get the food, no matter if it looks like to picture.  When I finally get my own restaurant, mine will, or they will get it 50% off!

  9. I think they look and taste great don't make a scene about it I can't stand when people do that, like when they had the lobster special once some person deathly allergic to it came in and starts freaking about how she was so horribly allergic and nothing better be contaminated and their like well there could possibly be traces and shes "WELL THERE BETTER NO BE" if your so worried you idiot don't go to the freaking place

  10. Believe it or not there was a time when "truth in advertising" laws actually monitored such a thing.  This was back when people actually complained and if they quit going to a place of business it actually hurt the business.  Now we have people so hooked on convenience and fast food that they have no choice but to eat the lies they are fed.  They do complain but then go right back and eat there again.  Heaven forbid they might go home and make a sandwich that looks and tastes better than anything you could buy at a fast food place.

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