At my school, there are about five little preps who are all best friends. Over the Summer, they all got the same haircut (bangs swept across their faces and teased so it looks scene) and they are wearing band tees that they probably would never listen to. And their all wearing skinny jeans. Everyone thinks their emo! Its driving me crazy! Their just posers! I mean, the group that i hang out with are considered the emos and I dont mind being called emo all the time, I just no who I am and what other people think doesnt bother me. But they arent emos. My best friend and I were the first girls to wear skinny jeans at our school and now everyone is, even all the S****y preps who lost their virginity in the 6th grade! But why cant people see that their NOT really emo? Why is it only that me and my friends know who they really are? And they WANT to be called emo, they dont see that theres nothing wrong with being called a wristslitter, they think its a compliment.