
Why doesnt barack obama like bush?

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  1. Because Obama is an American? 85 percent of Americans don't like Bush, and 98 percent of all patriots do not like Bush.

  2. Becuase he knows Bush is doing a h**l of a lot better job at running the country than he ever could. Jealousy

  3. Same reasons the rest of America can't stand Bush. Here's a few:

    >4000 brave Americans killed for nothing in Bush's war in Iraq--a country that had no WMDs and no ties to the terrorists who attacked us.

    >Violations of the Constitution, including torture, suspension of due process (for Americas as well as the "detainees" in some cases), and warrant less spying on law-abiding Americans

    >lying about global warming and violating the First Amendment by censoring scientists.

    >Not only wiping out the budget surplus Bush had when he entered office, but running up almost 5 TRILLION in dept.  

    Just fo r starters. . . . .

    OBAMA 2008

  4. Because he's a democrat and GW is not?

  5. Obama needs to stoke up the crowds and the Jews won't be made a scapegoat again.

  6. Because he's a Democratic politician and it's the job of all Democratic politicians to hate President Bush. Nancy Pelosi said so.

  7. probable for the same reason the rest of us don't like him, If that's true it's the first right thought Obama's had.

  8. For the same reasons most Democrats don't like George W. Bush.

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