
Why doesnt blood rush to our head on earth?

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If earth is circle shaped and we are at the bottem of the earth surely we would be upside down. Soo, when we are at the bottem of the earth and we are upside down why doesnt the blood rush to our heads? If we were to tip ourselths upside down the blood rushes to our head but why dont this happen to us on earth?




  1. yh u mite seem to be 'upside down' but we're all being pulled towards the centre of the earth by gravity

    so wherever you are your being pulled to the ground, and so the blood doesnt go to your head

  2. because of gravity :)

  3. because of gravitational force tht is constent ly pulling us towards the core but counter gravitational force keeps us from going through the earths crust

  4. just because it is called the north pole....doesnt mean that that is the TOP of the earth.

    there is no true top. because of the earths spin, no matter where you are...the sky is up, the ground is makes no difference your location on the planet

  5. Gravity draws all things to the center of the earth.  So when you're standing on the "bottom" (i'm supposing you're referring to the southern hemisphere/pole), you're still standing upright.

  6. heart bunps the blood

  7. DUH,  if it did that, you'd fall off.

    keep in mind that most of your weight is in your blood.

    (you didn't know that?  everyone does.  haven't you ever heard that blood is thicker than water?  that's because it's heavier.)

    if it all rushed to you head, it'd keep going, and you'd be  "HEADING"  (intended)  off into never-never land.

  8. No, silly, the earth is not circle shaped, it is a massive sphere that pulls all things toward its center.  If the earth were suddenly not there, there would be no other forces to apply to pull your blood in any direction.

  9. I wanna say because of Gravity.

  10. this is because gravity is all encompassing on earth so no matter where you are gravity will push the blood towards earth, therefore keeping it in check.

  11. The bottom relative to what exactly? The earth has no top or bottom.

    Just because maps are always printed with the north pole at the top does not mean that it is a true representation of earth's orientation in the solar system or the universe. Top and bottom are relative terms.

  12. gravity.

    this pulls majority of our blood away from our heads.

    Gravity pulls us all towards the core of earth; hence we don't fall off!

    Imagine gravity as invisible springs that's attached to everything on earth at 9.81m/s2.

    However, if you're at the equator where there's less 'pull' (because it's further from the core of the 2 poles, then it may be possible for blood to flow more to the head than if you were at the north or south pole.

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