
Why doesnt it happen :-(?

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Ive been with my partner 3 years and we have wanted children for over a year. We havent been using protection and im still not pregnant, does this mean im not fertile. im embarrased about going to the docs, as im quite shy. Any things i could be doing to boost my chances. im healthy and look after myself. Thanks everyone




  1. Sweetie, go to the doctor. I also put this off for a long time, and now I wish I hadn't. The thing I hadn't realized at the time is that the vast majority of fertility problems are treatable. There are SOOO many little things that can prevent pregnancy but are able to be fixed. You can take things step by step, and--as the other smart ladies here have noted--your partner will need to be tested, too.

    Look at it this way: If there IS something preventing you from getting pregnant, you can deal with it. If there ISN'T, you can breathe a sigh of relief and move on.

    I also agree with all the tips on research, charting BBT, and using OPKs, but everyone else has covered it well. It can all be overwhelming, so take it slowly, but do it. You will learn so much about your body and will feel less sad and discouraged and more in control of things. Good luck!

  2. the only way your going to no is by seeing your doctor.  

  3.   Hi,

    Well first of all congratulations, you doing great job in keeping fit and healthy.

    Most couples who are fertile don't concieve until at least 12-18 months anyhow.

    Most people think getting pregnant is fairly easy but it actually a really tricky thing for the body to do!

    I know going to the doctors sounds scary but once there they will be able to test to see if you are ovulating regularly or at all and if you need help in ovulating they can give you something like Clomid which enables you to ovulate - hence increasing your chances of falling pregnant.

    They can also test your partner's sperm count to see if it is too low or whatever.

    You doing a fantastic job and you need to lessen up on yourself a bit! It will happen hun!

    I know loads of women who have tried and tried and it not happened. Then they take a break from it all and it usually then that they fall pregnant as the body is not under any stress!

    Good luck!


  4. Your best bet is to go to the dr and get checked. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. This is what they do for a living. Also have your partner go and have his sperm checked. Start to rule things out. Its much easier that way. Do you use OPK (ovulation predictor kits)? Start using these, they help determin your most fertile days. Also I would start charting your BBT (basal body temp) this is taken first thing in the morning before you even get out a bed. Your going to need a special theromoniter for this but you can just google it and a bunch of sites will pop up. Also if you are stressing about being pregnant this could also be effecting your chances of concieving. Try not to stress as much. I know its easier said then done. Also diet and exercise are a big part in concieving just like smoking. I wish you the best of luck!!  

  5. I was TTC for about 2.5 years and asked the same questions.

    I looked on so many website to get every bit of information I could.

    This website is a MUST to visit - I'm hooked on it and always excited for the next answers, etc to be posted by the Lady, Kirstyn Sierra.


    The info on here is ace. I hope it helps you like it has helped me!

    Good Luck,

    Sarah x

  6. Good to hear you are looking after yourself because it is important to have your body and your partners body in good health if you are trying to get pregnant.

    If you go to you will find lots more information on the subject that I think may help you.

  7. dont blame yourself!! has your partner been tested for a low sperm count??

    Have a chat with your doctor.  

  8. Definitely don't be afraid of going to the doctors.  They are there to help you.  You should always if you can, go in for a full exam before trying anyways just to make sure everything is ok.  And have your partner tested for his sperm count.  You should also track your cycle and see if you are ovulating.  Just because you haven't succeeded yet doesnt mean there is anything wrong with you.  It just takes ppl some time alot of times.  I would definitely schedule an appointment with your doctor though.  Good dust!

  9. Most doctors will check the male first, because sperm tests are cheaper, easier to do and less invasive than female tests. so doctors do the tests on your husband first.

    secondly, are you having s*x on the right days when you're ovulating. because you didn't specify in your question.

    also, there's nothing to be shy of. the doctor would have listened to so many weird and strange things! there's nothing weird and strange when trying to have a baby! so you shouldn't be shy about it.

  10. Its not just you who should take care of your health. Your partner needs to quit smoking,drinking or any other bad habits he has too.

    most chromosomal defects that result in miscarriage are caused by the male sperm. If your partner isn't taking care of his health and you conceive the baby may be born with health problems and/or mental problems.

    If your really serious about ttc then you both need to up your health levels, start taking vitamins and omega 3 and quit bad habits, if in 6 months you fail to conceive after this then both of you should have tests at the doctors.

    having a baby is a serious decision, a very difficult one and life changing, if you truly think your ready and you want this then you need to overcome your fear of visiting the doctors.

  11. honestly it is too soon to decide you can't have children, sometimes it just takes time. i would say that after a year it is probably time to consult a doctor about your concerns at the minimum a doctor can counsil you and perhaps put you on medication taht will increase your ovulation, i friend of mine did so and wound up having twins... not sure exactly how long she had been trying but i'm pretty sure it was close to 2 years... good luck! dont give up! :)

  12. Are you having s*x at the right time during the month? A lot of couples with "infertility problems" just don't have s*x around the time you ovulate (between days 11 - 18 usually is the best days to have intercourse).

    If you are doing everything right then you really need to both get checked out by your GP first of all, he/she will run blood tests to see if you are actually ovulating and may order a scan to check your uterus. They will also check your partner's sperm count/motility to see if he has any problems there.

    I'm afraid you will have to learn not to be embarrassed seeing your doctor, especially just for preliminary investigations. If you do get pregnant you will be seen by obstetricians and midwives who will need to examine you internally to assess how things are progressing.

    Hope everything goes OK for you both :)  

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