
Why doesnt love last like it use to???

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most of my friends parents are divorced, as well as mine. is love not like what it just to be?... for me i want to grow old with someone i love and will never lost that feeling for, is society changing its morals?




  1. do you believe in destiny?just believe in your self and you will find someone will love you forever...

  2. morals has nothing to do with it..but slavery does.

    way back in the "good ole days" women were enslaved to the men they married..because of the "morals" of the day. Even if the man abused her, she had to stay with him. Love lasts..bad relationships dont today, because we all, men and women, are more free to divorce and seek better happier lives.  

  3. i think everything in life makes your marriage harder

    but if youre meant to be then it'll happen

    i know we all hear that a lot

    but it's true

    and everyone wants they're perfect ending

  4. Because commitment doesn't mean as much to us anymore.

  5. Now, most people are falling in love a lot earlier now... And getting married a lot sooner. Which is of course not too good, Cuz as you have seen it doesnt usually work out. Not everybody gets to fall in love like the people in The Notebook! But if everyone was nobody would be divorced! But if you wait until you are positive that you love the person then you wont get divorced....

  6. In short.. yes. Along with women thinking they know more than men now and divorce not being taboo..

    Hollywood has a lot to do with it too.

  7. Used to be?  About 50 years ago, the earth's population was around 3 to 4 billion... what are we now?  8 billion?  Around twice the number just half a century ago.

    Simply put, so many choices, so many options, why would you want to stick to just one?  Making love last takes too much effort.  Just dump when you sick of them and get another one.  Works well either you are male, female or g*y.

  8. Well, duh, of course society is changing its morals.  That doesn't mean that there aren't people who make love work for a lifetime.  My husband's parents and mine will both celebrate their 50th anniversaries this year.  We will celebrate our 23rd.  

    Making a marriage last and making it good takes hard work.  It involves making good choices and turning away from things and people who would try to tear it down.  Too many people believe the c**p that TV and movies put out that love is about feelings that you can't control.  The truth is that true love takes focus and energy to stay strong.  If we follow our feelings here, there, and everywhere, marriage doesn't have a chance.

  9. Every couple will go through their struggles, but I do feel like society is ruining the pureness of love. My parents almost got a divorce, both of my grandparents are divorced, all of my cousins are divorced, as well as some of my aunties. Love is not as it used to be. I think that love can be restored but only if we let it. Everything in the world is filled with hate, anger, pain, and death. God help us.

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