
Why doesnt my birth certificate have a hospital listed on it.?

by Guest33957  |  earlier

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i was adopted when i was about 3 years old. i have had alot of missing information about what really happened, i noticed on my birth certificate that there is no hospital listed

does this mean i wasnt born in a hospital?




  1. you were born on Planet Zarg.

    the giveaway is three fingers on each of your five hands

  2. well ok so you have alot of information that isn't true.well its not they aren't telling you everything not sure how much they do know. its like they dont' want you to run off and be with birth parents i do feel alot of parents are afraid of that or that you wont' love them enough. they have gotten you and i am not so sure they know the entire story. i was adopted and my parents didn't know the entire story about my background either. i was given to them by grandma and she couldn't raise me. my dad wanted me but he couldn't raise a baby i was born and then mom left. so i saw my birth certifcate. it was adotpion certificate. not like the birth ones. but since i knew my real name i could write and get my real one. which i did. now the adoption one has very little on it and its normal. it wouldn't have the hosp also but they are cross filed. some of the adoptions are not opened and its sealed records which you can get when you are 18 and somethings it when the adtoped parents pass away. you could have been but that is why you don't know. if you know your name then find out from real one. you write the health department with real name. try and talk to your mom about all the stuff i have no idea how old you are. but i think you could sit down and talk to her. i was adopte din early 50's and they had me since i was born. so was long time i suspect they were afraid i wold be gone any time till it was done. sure is a hard feeling t live with for so long. take care.

  3. awwwwwww.........

    well u probably were NOT born in a house

  4. Have you had, or are still having a happy, loving life?  If the answer is yes, what are you stressed about.  Parents make mistakes sometimes, trying to keep their children from being hurt.  Although I do not agree with the way they handled things they must have loved you a lot to try and protect you.

    My quote is - blood does not a parent make.   Live your life that you have with gratefullness and realization that you were adopted, a wonderful thing to be as far as I am concerned.

    Mother of five adopted children, from birth, and 12 grandchildren

  5. not necessarily, depends on the copy and what year you wree born and in what state, but most likely, you werent....just an opinion

  6. You were probably born in a house.  

    Many years ago, all babies were born at home.

    It's no big deal, don't let it bother you.

  7. probably an home birth.

    have a nice day

  8. I can think of two reasons. The name of the hospital may not be required on birth certificates in your state. Look at somebody else's to see. Yours may have been a "closed" adoption, and that information is kept from you to lessen the chance of your finding your birth parents.

  9. Mine doesn't either.  But there may be a dist code somewhere on there?  that corresponds with a hospital

    I have access to a tx database if you want anyone looked up just email me the name and I'd be happy to run a search for you

  10. Some states do not list a specific hospital but just the county, mine is that way. From experience of researchign for birth parents though I can tell you that often an original certificate is changed to list the adoptive parents' names so would not list a hospital. You can write to the state you were born in and request non-identifying informtaion about your birth parents.

  11. Speaking as a Texas born adoptee, mine does not have my hospital listed either. The line for the hospital has my adoptive parents home address listed. This is very common and hinders the adoptee who is trying to search.

  12. Seems to me that there is a lot wrong with your birth certificate.  It doesn't make sense to me that there would be no address at all in the place of birth.  My Mom was born in a farm house, but it lists that address (by the parcel ID).  Makes me slightly suspicious of the legality of the filing.

  13. No I don't think so. In the UK only the place of birth ie Town, City, Village etc is named. I too was adopted, my children not the above applied to all our birth certificates.

  14. It could be a homebirth.

  15. What you have is an  Amended Birth Certificate.  All adoptees have them.  

    They are often missing vital information, including but not limited to : hospital, township,city, village, time of birth, single or multiple birth

    In the past such important facts as date of birth have been altered.

    All of this to "protect" you from the stigma of being "illegitimate"

    The only way to find out the original facts is to petition the court to open your birth records.

    good luck!

  16. Usually GB birth certificates only state place i.e. Town of birth at least all the ones I have seen do, I don't think the hospital bit is relevant.

  17. It could mean you were born at home, however this is not necessarily so. It could also be that your birth was registered at City Hall, in that case you wouldn't have to be registered at the hospital you were born. If you know where you were born you could get the information at the City Hall of your place of birth.

    Good luck with getting the pieces of the puzzle together.

  18. no  birth certificate has the hospital on it it just has the district you were born in

  19. This could just be a measure that is taken to protect the identity of your birth parents. If you can track down the hospital, you can track their identity.

  20. I am adopted too.  I don't have the hospital name on my birth certificate either, just the town/county that I was born.  I was about 6 weeks old when I was adopted. That does not mean you were not born in a hospital.

  21. I don't think hospitals are listed on the birth certificate, just the city you were born in.

  22. No, probably just for keeping your true identity private.  I'm sure I saw a good site simply entered  May be able to answer more questions for you.

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