
Why doesnt my f******n pull back itself when I have an erection?

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im 13 years old. am i not old enough and my f******n aint fully developed yet? i try to pull it back, but it hurts.




  1. As you get older and more into masturbation your f******n should stretch to the point where you can retract it fully.

    It is perfectly normal NOT to be able to retract a child’s f******n.  You should never force your f******n back... forcing it can hurt and cause injury... just try to retract it a little more each time you shower or m********e. Some people suggest using baby oil as a lubricant

    If your f******n is very tight, is not stretching or loosening over time, of feels firmly ‘attached’ to the head of your p***s you may have a condition known as ‘phimosis’.

    This problem is usually solved by gradually stretching the f******n sometimes with the use of special creams that can be prescribed by a doctor.  In extreme cases of phimosis circumcision might be recommended but this is usually a last resort.

    Check out the links below

  2. dude mines don't even go back when i get a ***** i guess its life wait till u get older

  3. If you keep stretching it back as far as it will go each day it will fully retract eventually. But it's normal for it not to retract at age 13.

    Even in adults with foreskins that retract, when hard it sometimes stays over the head until retracted manually.


  4. what do you mean aint fully developed? so are you cut or uncut? well if you're cut then your f******n should already be pulled back, unless your f******n regenerated as you grew older and make you uncut again lol but that is not likely but it is possible. But if you're uncut then you'd have to pull it back yourself.  

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