
Why doesnt my hamster run on his wheel anymore?

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My hamster, Peach used to run on his wheel alot, but now he does not. Once, while running on his wheel, (steel, horizontal bars) he snagged two nails, now theyr fine, but is that the reason my hamster wont run on his wheel anymore? should i get him a new one thats the plastic kind with no wholes?...or...(lol) he just too lazy? (ps...peach is less than a year old)




  1. Try a new one. But he probably just got bored of the wheel. It happened to my  hamsters before, a lot. Maybe you should hook him up with something new.

  2. I dont like to call animals lazy but my dwarf kind of is he is a cuddle bug! He only runs for a little bit and in his ball he runs sllowly to a spot and stays there! When he runs on his wheel he does it slowly. I've tried plastic and medal bar wheels but he prefers the metel bar! Try another wheel of plastic there are many out there but its your hamster that decides if he likes it or not so try it it doesnt hurt! Also mabey he is scared because it hurt when he snagged his nails so he is afraid even if it is is fine now! So try it out if you want and let Peach decide! Good Luck!

    Ps. If he doesnt like plastic or bar or medel try the sausers they are great! And my syrian  runs fine!

  3. Hi,

    He might become less active as he gets older. Or it may not be comfortable for him - as he growed up, it's too small for him... hard to tell.

    I'd definitely recommend to get a new plastic wheel with no runges, which has at least 8 inches in diameter if he's a Syrian (aka Golden) hamster, or 5-6 inches (depending on his size) if he's a dwarf hamster. Have a look at Silent Spinners, Comfort wheels and Wodent wheels.

  4. Maybe the hamster is scared. because if they stop running they will flip around and around.  And hamsters are most active in the  night.

  5. you should try getting the plastic one.....or a hamster ball!!! but if he still doesnt run then maybe he is lazy :D

  6. i would buy her a plastic one....

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