
Why doesnt my toilet flush all the way?

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No matter whats in the toilet, I can flush and it swirls and doesn't go down. Sometimes we have to flush 3 or more times. Or we use the plunger and then it goes down. What is wrong with my toilet?




  1. Your toilet is definitely too clogged for just a plunger.... you should use less toilet paper when you go and call a plumber to get it fully unclogged.

  2. Something's obviously stuck down there.  I would get a plumber.

  3. ahh you broke it. probably a massive load stuck half way through

  4. has anybody considered a venting problem? sh#t runs downhill only if air can go uphill.........

  5.   It sounds like something may be stuck in there.  Spend about $20 and buy yourself a snake at the hardware store.  It's like a steel coil,with a handle, that you push down the toilet until it hits something, then you turn it so that the coil will grab it and pull it out.  It's amazing the things you find in a toilet.  If there is nothing there then take the lid off the tank and see where your watermark is and where the water comes up to after you flush.  More than likely there is something small obstructing the bowl.

  6. heh same thing here anyways it because the bober wont stay down long enfough for the water to rise i suggest you put a small weght of some sort OR you can increase the water flow to the toilet by turning the valve (under the toilet) the reason for this is you pushed the peddle to hard to any time.

  7. The insides of the tank need to be replaced.  And/or the holes around the rim are clogged with lime/scale.

  8. maybe theres not enough water it could be the ballon in the back of the toilet is set to low

  9. It sounds as though you have a clog, which could be a buildup of too much bathroom tissue. Try to borrow/buy a small bathroom snake to use, to clear the blockage out. Just some important info to keep in mind. Tampons should never be flushed down the toilet!!!

    **edit: You have gotten some great advice so I hope you can get to the  bottom of the problem real soon. <pun intended>

  10. If it has always acted this way it could simply be a bad toilet design.  One way to test to see if the line is clogged is to take a bucket with at least a gallon of water in it and pour it directly into the center of the bowl as fast as you can.  If it immediately flushes itself all the way down then the drain line is ok and this also would indicate that the water is not running from the tank to the bowl fast enough and/or the design of the bowl itself is faulty.  I once replaced a toilet for someone that did the same thing yours does: the water just swirled around and around and eventually just came to a stop without ever really flushing.   The new toilet, a better design, did not have that problem.  It should make a gurgle at the bottom of the flush, this is the siphon action being broken when the water exits the bowl.  It sound like your problem may be a bad toilet design; this is common with the $99 "builders specials" that are bought cheap and do not work properly.

  11. Your toilet is clogged badly.

    Either get Draino or call a plumber!

    Good luck!

  12. You may have a slightly blocked trap in your toilet.  You need to snake the drain, they make a special "toilet auger" for this. Or you may have blocked plumbing below hard to say without more info.  

  13. your rubber flapper goes down to quickly in the tank.

  14. Not enough water in the tank or flapper closing too fast.. first try holding the handle down for ten seconds, count, did it flush?   Open the lid of the tank and see if the water is almost to the top of the over flow tube in the center of the tank.   Also see if there are any blocks, bricks, or water saving devises in the tank, they  replace the water volume or block off a section so less water fills the tank before it stops,, also adjust the float so maximum water will be in tank. now try a FLUSH.. see if it just needed more water per flush, some toilets need it, others don't.

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