
Why doesnt oprah like hillary?

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I mean really, what did Oprah not like about hillary? Maybe this whole crying/fake tear sympathy we owe her something sillyness turned Oprah off?

Maybe Chuck Norris can take Obama out?




  1. Its because she is already a supporter of Obama, and Obama's main worry is the white women vote since Hillary is one, as a result most women watch Oprah and as a friend is discouraging voting for the obvious candidate and that leaves Obama her only security voters.

  2. A womans worst enemy is a woman herself. Most women in power are intimidated by other powerful women..they get emotional and dont follow logic unlike men who think more logically(doesnt mean women are not as smart as men just that emotions s***w it up for them). They tend to be insecure and cant see someone sharing the power/limelight

  3. She is white.

  4. Because Hillary isnt Black.. Because Hillary is the HUSBAND of Bill.. Because Hillary is rotten... Because Hillary is a crybaby..

  5. Any two women with that much power will rarely get along.

  6. I don't know what the controversy about Hillary crying is because I haven't seen it yet. But Oprah is not a spiteful person, I can tell you that much.

    I don't like Hillary myself. I don't think she can be trusted. She's a member of the 'ol boys club. She's been in politics too long.

    She wouldn't know change if it bit her in the a$%!

  7. because oprah did read about hillary .go to search ,type 'dixie mafia ' read ,and please do some thinking .

  8. i think she does, in reality I'm sure oprahs a republican ,but ive asked my self why and what would motivate  her to align her self with obama and at that time , i think obama might try to shift our nations resources towards the advancement of africa,and create another mess like Iraq, the african nations definitely need help but let the UN do it and we can work through the UN its a spooky thought

  9. Oprah is just playing the race card.

    Obama is black, so there you go.

    Sad but true.

  10. Because women don't like someone else in their kitchen and Oprah likes to think she is THE smartest most influencial woman in the Hilary is competition..although I think they both stink.

    Could Chuck take Obama out? Of course, and even if he did it in broad daylight killed him right there,,,and went to prison, he still would rule in prison,,lol, and since Hil might be president the world would be overrun by terrorists and we'd have to call on Chuck ala Snake Pilskin deal to save us all.....and after he did, maybe he could kill her too and we could get a Mike Huckabee in office and live happily ever after, or for 2 terms anyway....

  11. Maybe oprah sees to much of herself in Mrs. Clinton.

  12. Maybe because shes wierd and no one wants a female to become president how rude is that just because they say us females instead of going to war will sit down and have a cup of tea with Iraq

  13. Maybe because Oprah has a functioning Brain Stem?

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