
Why doesnt the Bible acknowledge dinosaurs?

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um yea i know they werent arounbd when the Bible was written but the Bible supposly predicts how the world will end and the speaks about Earth was created but no mention of dinosaurs or evelution.





    all  you have to do is type in "bible+dinosaurs" into the yahoo search box to find what the bible has to say on Dinosaurs...

    also some interesting stuff...type in 18th dynasty of egypt+exodus

    where all the pharaoh literally have the name moses

    as well as ocean currents+bible...where we find in Job that they had knowledge of currents under the ocean...which they should not have had considering they didn't have the same technology we have today to find such things

    lots of scientific things in the bible..that they should have had no knowledge can find it if you read it, and really understand what your reading, and if you really look between the lines to see what you are reading.

  2. Because  the men that wrote the Bible had no idea such creatures had ever existed.

  3. The Bible also doesn't mention panda bears, pelicans, armadillos, and many other things.

    The Bible wasn't meant to be an exhaustive reference book that details all of creation. It is about God, and his relationship with mankind.  

  4. Because the goat herders that wrote it lived 65 million years after the Meteor/Asteroid full of iridium wiped them out.


  5. *drink*

    There are two or three descriptions of now extinct animals in the bible.

    It also describes unicorns.

    Writers from a couple hundred years ago described animals that are now extinct...  it doesn't make their writings holy, nor does it mean that the creation story is true.

  6. Read Job chapter 40-41. It speaks of two distinct, massive land and water creatures. Here's an example:

    "Look at the behemoth,

    which I made along with you

    and which feeds on grass like an ox."

    "What strength he has in his loins,

           what power in the muscles of his belly!"

    "His tail sways like a cedar;

    the sinews of his thighs are close-knit."

    "His bones are tubes of bronze,

           his limbs like rods of iron."

    "Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook

           or tie down his tongue with a rope?" - He is speaking sarcastically.

    "Any hope of subduing him is false;

           the mere sight of him is overpowering."

    "Who dares open the doors of his mouth,

           ringed about with his fearsome teeth?"

    " His back has rows of shields

           tightly sealed together;"

    "When he rises up, the mighty are terrified;

           they retreat before his thrashing.

    "26 The sword that reaches him has no effect,

           nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.

    27 Iron he treats like straw

           and bronze like rotten wood.

    28 Arrows do not make him flee;

           slingstones are like chaff to him.

    29 A club seems to him but a piece of straw;

           he laughs at the rattling of the lance.

    30 His undersides are jagged potsherds,

           leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.

    31 He makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron

           and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.

    32 Behind him he leaves a glistening wake;

           one would think the deep had white hair.

    33 Nothing on earth is his equal—

           a creature without fear."

  7. It does

  8. I think some Creationists say that it does: the references to "Leviathan", "behemoth", and the giants that walked the Earth.

    Of course the real answer is that the past existence of dinosaurs was not known until the 19th century, and the Bible was written well over a thousand years earlier.

  9. Because they weren't around when it was written.

    The Bible is about God's relationship with mankind, not scientific data.

  10. Evolution goes against the bible. The bible is nonsense.

  11. because God word should be understood by the listener. i think the ancient were not capable to understand if the bible said " in the beginning there were dinosaur and phitecantropus....."  

  12. The people who wrote the Bible were unaware of such creatures.

  13. Because you haven't read it. That's why.The Bible describes dinosaurs(Job 40:15-24). In 1842, Sir Richard Owen coined the word dinosaur, meaning "terrible lizard," after discovering large retilian-like fossils. However in the Book of Job, written 4,000 years earlier, God describes the behemoth as: the largest of all the land creatures, plant eating(herbivore), with great strength in its hips and legs, pwerful stomach muscles, a tail ike a cedar tree, and bones like bars of iron. This is an accurate description of sauropods- the largest known dinosaur family.

  14. maybe there's no dinosaurs on the prophet's time? doh

  15. The bible does not mention dinosaurs for the same reason it does not mention germs, virus or the fact that the earth revolves around the sun...because those things were not known by the people who wrote the bible.

  16. Because they're a hoax perpetrated by the international palaeontological conspiracy.

  17. the Bible does acknowledge them.  In Job 40:15-24, a great beast called the "behemoth" is mentioned that moves his tail like a cedar tree.  Also, the term "dinosaur" wasn't coined until after the Bible was written, so many creation scientists believe "dragon" in the Old Testament is indeed the word for "dinosaur".  Please read this article for more info:  

  18. The bible does  mention "Giants" so it could be that.

    But the important thing is to remember when and where the Bible was written, and why. It was written to tell people about God, not science. Not Biology, or astronomy or even history as we know it. We live in a literate age (although some teachers might tell you that's not certain) We are used to scientific explanations for everything. Even people in America who have very little education often know some science or history.

    The Bible, the Torah, first five books were probably written down around 1000 BC and maybe have been spread by word-of-mouth for a time before that. If they started talking about dinosaurs, or evolution, or the Big Bang, or life on other planets, etc. nobody would have understood what they were talking about. America is not mentioned in the Bible, Native Americans were not, etc. but exist. The New Testament also does not mention germs or medicine when Jesus cured lepers or other diseases. It was not written as a science textbook.

  19. They probably werent known as dinosaurs when it was written.

    The term "dinosaur" was first coined in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen and derives from Greek δεινός (deinos) "terrible, powerful, wondrous" + σαῦρος (sauros) "lizard".  - Wiki

  20. It supposedly does

    Supposedly the Behemoth in Job 40:15 was a dinosaur.

    In this video the guy says dragons mentioned in the Bible are supposedly dinosaurs.

    There are other references mentioned in this video which are also supposedly referring to dinosaurs.

    The behemoth is mentioned at 5:19 in the video.

    EDIT: sorry forgot to post the link for the video: here it is

    I say supposedly because I don't believe it. But I'm presenting you with info so you can come to your own conclusion.

  21. Job 40:15-24

    15 ¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

    16 Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly.

    17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

    18 His bones [are as] strong pieces of brass; his bones [are] like bars of iron.

    19 He [is] the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his

    sword to approach [unto him].

    20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.

    21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.

    22 The shady trees cover him [with] their shadow; the willows of the brook

    compass him about.

    23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, [and] hasteth not: he trusteth that he

    can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

    24 He taketh it with his eyes: [his] nose pierceth through snares.

  22. Unless you're the "w***e of Babylon", the Bible makes no mention of you either.  What's your point?  Nobody claims that the Bible mentions everything that ever did and everything that ever will exist.  

  23. Many instances throughout the Bible points to principles or a generalization of certain things. Take this verse for example:

    Genesis 1:20, 21 - "And God went on to say: “Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.” And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good."

    It mentions there sea monsters and winged creatures. These could probably also mean dinosaurs such as pterodactyls or the like.

  24. Because it's not a science book , and its far advanced for some to acknowledge as it is .But if you look close it does give a hint .Even today though they claim that some of them have been shown to be over sized as it is and museums have to correct the faults  

  25. It does.  Behemoth as found in Job 40:15-20.  Also Leviathan  as found in Job 41:1-34.   Leviathan is also found in Psalm 104:26,  Psalm 74:14,  Isaiah 27:1.  Leviathan is a huge aquatic creature possibly the Kronosaurus and the Behemoth possibly the Brachiosaurus.  Whatever these "creatures/dinosaurs" were, they were huge and struck fear into the ones encountering them.  This is just my take on it.

  26. First of all, did you know that reptiles never stop growing? It's just a simple biological fact that reptiles grow all their life. They never stop until the day they die. Did you know that? Most people don't.Reptiles never stop growing.

    Now, back in the days of Adam and Eve up until the days of Noah, if you look at the geneologies you'll find that just about everyone lived about 900 years or more.Instead of dying at 80 or 90 like we do today, back then they died at 800 or 900. They lived about 10 times longer back then.

    Now think about it. If people lived 10 times longer back then, well it wouldn't just be people would it? More than likely it would be plants, animals, the whole ecosystem. If people lived 10 times longer, so would lizards. If lizards lived 10 times longer, and reptiles never stop growing, then if they lived 10 times longer, then they would grow 10 times bigger.

    So instead of having a 3 foot long iguana like we have today, back then you'd have a...

    30 foot long iguana!

    One of the first dinosaurs ever found was called the iguanadon because of it's resemblance to the iguana. The man who found it said that it's skeleton looked just like the skeleton of the iguana except it was alot bigger. So he called it Iguanadon. Well, guess how big it was?

    30 feet! Iguanadon dinosaurs range anywhere from 27 to 30 to 33 feet on average.

    You see, according to the bible, reptiles and lizards would've gotten really really big back in the days of Noah

    Secondly, Creation Scientists suspect that dinosaurs did not become extinct until about 3 or 4 thousand years ago.This would mean that dinosaurs went extinct sometime within the history and memory of mankind. Evolutionists claim extinction was complete some 60 or 70 million years ago, based upon radiometric dating methods. However, Creation Scientists have found these dating methods to be very questionable and innacurate. For instance, new rock in the form of hardened lava flows produced estimated ages as great as 3 billion to 10.5 billion years, when they were actually less than 200 years old. Does that sound like an accurate age estimate to you? According to Science Magazine in 1984, shells from living snails were carbondated as being 27,000 years old. Does that sound like an accurate dating method to you?

    Thirdly, fossilization is a very rare and unusual occurance, not an every day event. Fossilization is not a slow gradual process that takes place over millions of years. According to the best available evidence, plants and animals cannot become fossils unless they are buried relatively quickly and deeply in the appropriate materials. Creation Scientists have found that the conditions that would be most ideal for the kind of massive fossil formations found in the sediments would be a violent, global flood catastrophe. Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water-laid sediment.

    Well, guess what? The bible talks about a flood like that. And it just so happens that that flood occurred in the days when reptiles and lizards would have gotten really big.

    So you see, when it comes to the fact that we are digging up gigantic reptiles and lizards up out of the ground, most of which are completely fossilized, does this somehow contradict the bible?

    Well, According to the bible it makes perfect sense!

    Dinosaur bones don't contradict the bible. They fit in just perfectly. The things that contradict the bible are the inaccurate "dating" methods. Well, if the Bible is truly accurate, then it SHOULD contradict our innacurate dating methods now shouldn't it?

  27. The Bible does speak of the Leviathan which has to be cousin to the dinosaur. Dinosaur was the first world age. God plays with this creature and enjoys him.

  28. The Bible also doesn't mention how to get out grape juice stains.

    So what.

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