
Why doesnt the brownies, guides and cadets attend local memorial services anymore ?

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Why doesnt the brownies, guides and cadets attend local memorial services anymore ?




  1. Ask the leaders - some local authorities don't like the parades so these may have stopped due to extra policing and "don't want to offend" sensibilities but there are always services that can be attended.

    Our local kids go to church and to the local memorial to lay wreaths.

  2. Yes, they do - my daughter's just come back from attending our memorial service with her Guide troop.

  3. They do!

  4. because it should be a personal choice not something that is enforced on anybody

  5. they do where i live.

  6. On Remembrance Sunday at our parish church we had a colours parade by our village Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs, and they laid wreaths at the War Memorial (my daughter representing the Brownies laid one). Maybe some churches don't have a local "pack" to participate, or the packs may come from several parishes and they only attend one service (ours rotate each year between 4 churches so no-one feels left out!)

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