
Why doesnt the world leave Georgia " country " alone

by  |  earlier

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the Russians did the same with Chechnya when they claimed independence and nobody cared, its like if Texas were to claim independence from the united states, do you expect the united states to just sit there and accept it, h**l no they will tear Texas a new a***e




  1. The US played a big part in starting this war.

  2. You don't honestly think that Georgia is a province of Russia? Surely not.

  3. Don't mess with Texas!

  4. Didn't Georgia invade part of Russia??? They were kind of asking for trouble if you ask me - they already got their indipendance  

  5. Georgia ain't texas and people are being killed in

    tGeorgia be real tell the Russians to stop the bombing..


  6. Georgia is an independant country, South Ossetia is a breakaway territory that used to be part of Georgia, they wanted to be part of Russia the same as North Ossetia and therefore were receiving the backing of Russia. Georgia invaded South Ossetia to 'take' it back and that's why the Russians are involved, Georgia started this war and should cease fire and leave South Ossetia immediately.

  7. Georgia is already independent and Russia has accepted it... there are two different regions IN Georgia that are trying to break away but the world does not recognize them as independent nations.  

  8. you know what... if you don't know anything then you should have asked first. Georgia has not been part of Russia since 1921 and afterwards it was part of USSR not Russia, furthermore South Ossetia is neither part of Russia it has been part of Georgia for centuries. So Please before you say that the world should leave Georgia "THE COUNTRY" alone get things clear.... or ask questions and not make statements

    it might be offending for some people.

  9. Wars will cease when men refuse to fight.

  10. Your a bit mixed up there

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