
Why doesnt women's liberation groups help 'Muslim' women?...?

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Ive seen a women dressed up like darth vader with a mask showing only her eyes...swimming about in a Turkish resort where it was 100 degrees in the shade!!!...she then got out and "steamed" herself dry???...while her tanned husband played volley ball in his trunks...what the h**l is this all about?...




  1. Hey! No one forces muslim women to dress like that they chose to cover they're modesty. I myself do not wear hijab but one day I will and when I do it will be  for God. If women are being forced to wear it then yes it is an injustice and it is unislamic the quran only requires that women lengthen their garments and cover their breast but women chose to dress like the wives of the prophet p.b.u.h in order to be more modest and closer to God. That was an offensive ignorant question. Let me guess it would have been fine if she was in a flimsy bikini being looked at like an object.

  2. They do.  Check the many other questions on this subject for some of my previous answers.

  3. Woman liberation groups tend to be first world predominately white woman who concern themselves with white first world woman's problems

  4. Be careful what you say about might get a suicide answer .......!

  5. Supposedly Islam is liberating, according to many Muslim ladies.  SO they think we "infidels" are in need of true liberation.

  6. Well, you have to consider this, was she dressed that way because she wanted to (religious reasons etc) or out of fear. Both are totally different situations.

  7. Why, are you jealous?

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by 'women's liberation groups' but if you mean feminists they have already intentionally caused enough havoc in the world. (And, in any case, what you are suggesting is called "humanitarianism".)

    The world is already in conflict so haven't we learnt by now that interfering with the customs and traditions of foreign parts leads only to further conflict? (Just take the Bush/Blair wars in Arabia as examples.)

  8. what do you care?  theres lots of womens groups for all kinds of problems.  stop cussing here, slick.

  9. Because that is their choice - women's lib is about women being able to live as they want and swings both ways. You should respect their way of living, just because it doesn't suit you doesn't mean we should westernize everyone!!!

  10. The contrast between the two partners in a Muslim marriage is often sharp..! This is what gets people wondering, I know. My first reaction is to say that she wasn't hurting anyone by choosing to swim like that (and I'd be very surprised if she didn't choose to do this herself).

    My only query is (to more experienced Muslims than me), if Islam specifies that a woman should never attract attention to herself in public, how can the wearing of the niqab/burqa be acceptable in a setting such as a beach resort/swimming pool? To dress modestly is admirable (and Islam requires this), but I do wonder about the attention thing.

    No bad reactions please, only wondering : - )

  11. why do other people's "swimming choices" bother you much

  12. Because women here like to take from the rich and give to the ........wealthy.  (You didn't think I was really gonna say that did you!)

  13. It's their culture and they like it that way. They don't want "help". Their veils are a sign of respect and reverance. The majority of women don't see it as sexist, but something to be proud of.

  14. My answer to the same exact question asked yesterday in this YA forum:

    Here's what NOW has spoke up about concerning gender issues in other countries-including those with "Islamic cultures" (it doesn't take a lot of research to find these) :

    "Help Reduce Harmful Child Marriages Worldwide" (Refers to girls in China; Bangladesh; Nigeria; Ethiopia; Uganda and Afghanistan:

    "A Maddening Reminder" discusses the violence towards women (including Muslim women) worldwide:

    "NOW Supports Legislation that Denounces 'Honor' Killings

    and Violence Against Women":

    "Stop the Sale of Women: Combat Trafficking in the U.S.":

    Here's some items the Feminist Majority is concerned about worldwide:

    Iranian Women's Rights Activist Sentenced to Prison


    "Help Afghan Women: Campaign for Afghan Women & Girls":

    Though I think Muslim feminists are quite able to speak up for themselves:

    Campaign for Equality (Iranian feminists):

    Women of Pakistan:

    Arab Women's Solidarity Association United

  15. There are feminist groups who do...some of them are Muslim, others are not.  Some work with humanitarian groups like Amnesty International. Others deal with other issues such as forcing children into marriages, dowry deaths, honor killings and other things that affect women in the areas where those things are happening.

  16. i dont think muslim women want to be helped, and them that do want a different life for themselves just like every other woman from any other religion should go out and do it..

  17. if someone is not the same as you it doesnt mean theyre wrong or your right

    but why womens groups avoid women in other countires is because many of them are for political  and economic power and not actually for the benifit of women so helping women in other countries is none of their interest

    and btw, i mean the leaders of the groups, after all they call the shots, individual followers may have diff opinions but so what? in terms of actual action or policy change it doesn't actually do anything it is simply a minority opinion

  18. Why don't people do a simple google search before asking questions like this?

    I think it's super-cute how, in that particular search, a good number of sites were either about feminism within the Muslim community or were articles in American feminist websites, with at least one call to action on the front page, while the remainder talked about how American feminists ignore Muslim women.  Popular misconception we've got here.  At any rate, every feminist web site I go to talks about international issues at least occasionally, with many organizations devoted to helping women overseas, Muslim or otherwise.  There are many feminist Muslims who are working to help out their Muslim sisters, overseas and here, and, gasp!, some of those are even American.  I'm sorry to say, but you asking that question shows a stunning ignorance of the contemporary feminist movement.  That's, frankly, not too surprising on this particular board, but thank you for proving that few of feminism's critics here know what they're talking about.

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