
Why don't 18-wheeler operators care that doing 80 mph in a downpour can endanger the lives of other drivers?

by Guest65733  |  earlier

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I realize their big rigs can usually handle the high speed better than smaller vehicles, but the splashing their 18 wheels create cause the rest of us increased hazardous driving conditions.




  1. Because money is a greater motivator than personal safety.

  2. I doubt if any of them are doing 80. they are well aware of the damage their rigs can cause. do you want them to get out and dry the road, your car is also splashing someone else.

  3. betcha didn't realize how many defensive (in the personality sense of the word) truck drivers visited this YA's forum.

    They were doing that today in a really bad storm on I -75 today so the rest of us were having to go slower than we would go otherwise. Maybe if they let us drive their rigs & we let them operate our autos they would "get it."

  4. why do idots in cars, cut in front of trucks when there coming to a stop---all it does is take away the stoping distance that the truck had and now he has to really get on the brakes so he doesn't slam the idiot that pulled in front of him!!!!!!

    there's horrible drivers in both trucks and cars--it just doesn't make any sense

  5. I sit higher then you ha ha ha

    no usually those cowboys end up in a ditch just give them more room in case they do it  in front of you

    and in rain turn on your lights(this should seem obvious) because most of the time it is really hard to see some cars in the rain


  6. By the looks of the answers received here, they are going 80 MPH to get home to Yahoo Answers! BTW Driver, those autos don't just go in front of the Big Trucks to make a turn, they do it to average size autos too.

  7. Sorry but your question is not a question, it's a rant. First it assumes that the drivers "don't care." Have you ever driven a big rig? Are you remotely familiar with the hazards, responsibilities, and conditions affecting them every moment they are on the road?

    I'm more worried about the self-indulgent 'tards yakking in their cell phones than someone who has to be on the road for a living. If you can't manage passing, or being passed, by a big rig in inclement weather, it's probably you that should either brush up on your highway skills or stay home, not them.

  8. Give them the right of way their bigger than you,let them get that product to the store you are in such a hurry to get.

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