
Why don't AMERICA and other developed countries play cricket???

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Being such an enetertative game i see only few countries are recognized in the cricketing arena. What do you think American and Europian countries are not interested in this game?




  1. Because it gets ZERO publicity in the US. I have no idea what cricket is, what you have to do, or any teams that play it.

  2. america do but as usual they have to turn it into some stupid game with the same kind of principles to look big there cricket is baseball, american football= football so easy to see

  3. Cricket has not become popular in these countries because of the long duration of the game and people consider time as precious for them.  May be with the introduction of Twenty/20 format, these countries start showing more interest in cricket.

  4. First of All Cricket is a very hard game, probaly the hardest in the world, as Massive amount of skill and talent is needed in international cricket, In test cricket, you need even more than that, like Good temparament, Good judgement of what the bowler is bowling and good technique, not to mention natural talent like Timing, hand eye coordination, footwork, ect...

    You get the picture.

    England, wales, Scotland and Ireland all play cricket. Popularity of cricket is growing in italy quite a lot, and is growing in germany aswell.

    Cricket in Canada is fairly popular and is increasing a lot, and it is also followed in america aswell, even though the progress is slow, but it has increased. the thing is that, Cricket is the most Popular sport in Asia, Australiazia and Africa, and it is also growing in north america and Europe.

    However popularity of cricket in Chile and argentina has grown a lot, hugely.

    cricket is on the way up. It is the second biggest sport in the world, and might even be the biggest when china are allowed to play in the 2015 world cup.

  5. because the play baseball, football(soccer), basketball, and rugby!

  6. Because they dont know much about cricket!! If they did, then cricket will be a really famous sport!!

  7. Americans are more into crash bang whallop, e.g. baseball.  But they are into their stats so in a way I'm quite surprised it hasn't caught on over there!

  8. United States doesn't know much about cricket.  No place to play - no one to play against - don't know how to play. Never been exposed to it on TV.

    What little I think I know about it, cricket sound like a multi day game/party that never ends.

  9. Because Cricket is a very technical game and at its main version, takes a long time to complete.

    I think the advent of Twenty20 and 50 over cricket at the international level will grow interest in the game worldwide.

    Test cricket will always remain the interest of the 'british' descendents.

    Time is becoming more important and I don't think the rest of the world will ever get a love for a game that can last for five days and still not get a result.

  10. Not everybody in America has heard about cricket. Only very few know about it. It can be a pretty hard sport to learn about.

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