
Why don't Americans believe in the 7 invisible states of Obama?

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  1. Did he ever correct himself? He should have made a joke of it...then it wouldn't be so easily used against him. At least Bush has a sense of humor about his grammatical errors. I think this nation needs a good laugh once in awhile. I definitely think he knows how many states there are. When you're making a speech ..I'm sure it's hard to talk freely and at the same time "guard your words". Even when we post things on's hard to know how someone will interpret what we say...or if they'll rag on us because of our mistakes. I think the most important thing is to correct your mistake as soon as you realize you've made one.

  2. I guess he feels he is in need of seven additional States to win the election,  apparently his school just passed him as a form of Affirmative Action.

    Nice right.

  3. **** you AGS said by muslim woman

  4. state of Shock

    state of Bewilderment

    state of mind

    state of wow

    state of emergency

    state of fear

    state of dumassness

  5. Maybe I has already looked at the secret Presidentual book.

    He may know something we Americans are not allowed to know.

    I acts as if he knows alot.

    We may have some new states that didnt make the news?

  6. Lord help us if he gets elected.

  7. Here come the political rat f&#*ing idiots.  I can't believe you resisted the temptation to call him Osama or mention his middle name.

    Good job guy.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

  8. I just left the elections section, for this very reason.

    Now can you please leave the paranormal section, before we get together and have you cursed into oblivion ?

  9. You've answered your own question!   Because it is obviously so ridiculous and absurd; seems like something that easily would pass as believable in the Muslim world.

  10. You are aware that Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands are considered territories of the USA, aren't you?  Both Barak and Hilary visited those to get backing - not considered "states" but the people are considered "citizens".

  11. Probably because nobody cares about trivial gaffs like that. I sure hope voters are smart enough this time around to be concerned about real issues instead of partisan squabbling, no matter who they decide they are voting for. Oh yeah... why is this paranormal?

  12. Well I can't say it any better then this guy, he even looks a bit like me, 20 years ago!

    Sorry about the language used, don't watch if your easily offended by the 'F' word.

  13. Because it's a stupid idea.

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