
Why don't Americans do recycling - paper/glass/cans/plastic etc.?

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When I was in America recently I was REALLY shocked. The people I was staying with just chucked paper/cans/tins/plastic/glass and fruit/veg waste all in the same bin and said that was totally normal!!!




  1. It depends on where you visit, I live in CA and recycling is pretty normal, but I've heard areas like New Orleans don't have any type of recycle program. We also have several areas which use a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) where all the garbage is sorted and the recyclable materials are pulled from the waste stream.

    Truth is we need to improve all programs as well as personal awareness.

  2. Many areas do. Almost all metropolitan areas have some kind of recycling program.  It's possible you visited an area that did not have such a program. Also alot of waste is recycled, but it is sorted at the actual plant and not by having four different refuse bins at every street corner.

  3. It depends on the area, and the people involved. Some people are lazy, and there doesnt seem to be enforcement for people who dont recycle. Even where recycling is possible, it seems to be optional.

    Where I live (outside Tokyo) we have tons of recycling categories, and our burnable trash goes in clear bags so the guys can check it over that recyclable items are not put in there. Also, if someone violates a recycling guideline or puts the wrong stuff out, a warning notice is issued to everyone in the building. Its not a perfect system... but they do take it seriously.

  4. It depends on where you are. I live in California and we have a really good recycling program, it just depends on the state/city.  

  5. I am sure it was "totally normal" wherever you are at some point in times as well. Also, I am sure that not everyone in you are recycles everything. You will always run into people who do not care about it. The U.S. is behind the rest of the world in its recycling habits. But, large strides have been made to catch up. You see major cities passing mandates to become sustainable, which include major recycling programs. The more these facitlites are available, and the more cities start charging for actual wast pick up the more you will see individuals utilize their local recycling center.  

  6. Not all Americans are like this, though many still are. But I do know that where I live is one of the most Pro Green cities in America. Even when I went to high school, kids literally dug through the garbages after lunch to remove any recyclable products out.  

  7. when i was there they did. I expect it depends on the individual

  8. Because they just don't really care, they know no different

  9. The truth is that even if you throw all your trash into the same ben it gets separated at the dump, When trash trucks take and empty your trash it goes on a conveyor belt and their is a line of people that seperate anything that can possibly be used by recycling so its not that people don't care its that they keep up with new technologies and find that keeping people employed at the dump is their way of being a great American. Thanks for asking with much love signed The Libertarian.

  10. They just dont have that culture... like most countries in America. Its very sad.

  11. my son works for the garbage company. they take all recycled paper plastic glass and whatever and dump it with the rest of the junk.

  12. Well it depends what state and area you went to. I lived in pennsylvania and everyone did what you said, all went into one bin. When i moved to california, i had to pay CRV (california recycling value) on all cans and plastic bottles i bought. So for every can i threw away or plastic bottle i would lose $.5-.10. We also have to sort our cardboard/paper from yard work garbage from everything else garbage for collection. Then you have San Fransisco who has "garbage police" who literally go through your garbage and fine you if you have something int he wrong place. So your inference of us really isn't that accurate because you didn't visit every part of our large country.

  13. American culture is built around consumerism, using more is seen as good, it'll take years to change this.

  14. They do in parts of California (95472), I've helped sort the stuff.

  15. I was in America recently aswell, and they had the recycle bins and stuff.. same as here.

  16. Well, i do admit that most Americans dont recycle which is bad. But I do, I recycle plastic, glass, metal, paper as well as having a trash can for the un recycleables.


  17. Americans arent taken for fools by their governments and local councils.

    Here in England we are forced under threat of fines to do the councils job for them, ie store and sort rubbish over 2 week cycles.Tehn the bin trucks come and collect it,empty it all in the same pile then transport it at great cost to Wales to go on a landfill.

    Of course,thats after the counicls have sold all the scrap metals on and not offset the revenue against our council taxes.

    We shouldnt be blaming the Americans for not being a part of the same government lies and spin that we are.I'm sure they wouldnt tolerate such a dictatorial government that is clearly fleecing us with one stealth tax after another after they brainwashed a gullible population into compliance.

    Then here we are,taking the moral highground of American people just because we are fool enough to swallow the New Labour spin and they arent.

    Blair and Brown have got us just where they want us.

  18. They need educating about recycling

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