
Why don't Americans ever travel to Europe for a 2-day weekend?

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This way if you work Monday thru Friday you don't need to take any time off to go to Paris.

Friday at 5pm after work you head straight for the airport, you can fly New York to Paris late evening and arrive in Paris by afternoon Saturday, factoring in the time change.

Then you can just pull an all-nighter in Paris, or London, or Rome, or Oslo, or Brussels, or Berlin, take your pick. Eat at the best European restaurant and go to a nightclub.

Pull an all-nighter, then Sunday morning you eat a European breakfast and then sleep on the flight back to New York.

You gain back the hours and get home late Sunday night, go to sleep and get up for work Monday morning as usual.

Why don't people try this?




  1. I've done something similar, visiting New York / Chicago from Europe.  It's fun but rather tiring.  I think it's a little bit more difficult to go from the US to Europe, though, because many people have a hard time adjusting to the time difference when traveling east.

  2. Idk its a good idea. However I prefer long vacations of 2-3 weeks. But Its a good point......... =P

  3. Sounds amazing!  It also sounds very costly.  Maybe one day, just not now.  Great question by the way!  Jen

  4. because 1) it's expensive and just not worth it for only a couple of days 2) the people that CAN afford it are no longer capable of staying up for more  than 16 hours at the most nevermind 48. 3) a plane ride home would not be enough sleep to actually function at work on Monday and 4) it's impossible to see everything you would want to see in 48 hours in Europe no matter how little sleep you get. When your foreign you want to go to more places than just a restaurant and a club, we can do that here.

  5. By the time you just get settled in over in Europe, you have to head right back. If you're going to pay over 1000 dollars just to get there, you'll want to be able to spend more time there.

    Anyone who travels that far, and spends that much money to vacation, will want to obviously make it worth while.

  6. jet lag dude. england for example is 8 hours ahead of me (i just got back a few days ago) and im still messed up. you need like 3 days to get back on the time zone/body clock thing.  

  7. It's way too expensive to fly that far and then turn around and came back.  That's a long way to go for just a few hours of partying.

  8. Holy cow, the plane fare alone is about $1500.  Not many  couples can spend $3000 for airfare, plus hotel and spending money just to go for 2 days.  Also, they would be on the plane for 7 or 8 hrs each way...cutting down the time to spend there.  If people are going to spend that much, they want to have a real vacation.  Europeans can go to another country in an hour or tow on a fast train or driving...not so for Americans...unless they happen to live close to the Mexican or Canadian border...and the mexican border area is NOT a tourist destination.

  9. There are people doing this, and more crazy travels, but most people do not have $1000 laying around to spend in one weekend.

    And maybe most people are also more aware of the damage to the climate and their own health.

    I read a book by a film script writer who would travel from New York to Paris in the morning, by have lunch in with a director, to go back to the plane straight away to get home in time for a meeting with the producers of the movie.

    That was when that fast plane was still flying.

    Must have cost enough to pay for a four week holiday in a four star hotel, as he flew business class too.

    Most people prefer a short holiday at least, say 2 weeks, people who use their brains go for a longer holiday, say 3 to 6 weeks.

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