
Why don't Americans know much about the world?

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I am in the British Army and have worked with the US Army a few times. The amount of American soldiers that can't point to the country they were in at the time on a map was ridiculous. I found this clip on Youtube that proves what I am saying?

I just want to know what Americans get taught in school?




  1. I would like to point out that I am not judging anyone however most of the time stereotypes are correct, for example as an English person I would say at least 85% of British people drink this case the stereotype is therefore there may be some truth in that Americans are somewhat stupid....perhaps I am wrong but I have no issue with admitting that. There is good and bad in everyone.

    I would also like to comment on some of the other answers given to this person says British people are spreading hate..ok...fine they are entitled to their opinion but further down there is another answer which says that they feel sick that British people are working with American if that isn't hatred i don't know what is?? Another point is that the reason, well what the reason is supposed to be, for war is to stop hatred and make the world just a little more peaceful. Both Americans and British people are at war for the same seems people have forgotten.....just think about what you write and your opinions on others before you voice them.....

    Sophie, I really don't want to make enemies and patronising me with the addition of dear at the end isn't necessary is it?? I was merely saying that stereotypes are there for a purpose if there wasn't some truth in a stereotype it wouldn't exist....

    I feel there is some arragance coming from your comments regarding America's success, you cannot assume that America are where they are today without the help from other nations...this might not be direct help.....but sure enough America has had help to become what it is today.

  2. we are taught how to pass the sat's and other standardized tests to graduate high school and/or be accepted to a college/university.    world geography is available as an elective.

  3. Ask Ray N!

  4. Our soldiers are taught to shoot a gun .....and on this side of the Atlantic borders don't change twice a year.....and don't tell me every Brit can tell me Nebraska is either

  5. I was taught the European map and capitals, many people just forget.  I'm an American and I can identify most major countries in Europe and around the world.  So can many people I know.  Anyone can take a survey and make a video out of maybe 50 people that gave racist or ignorant answers, but what's that?  How many people live in America?  304,735,000?!  I guess some people can't tell when they're being racist in a way.  I absolutely agree with Kit Fang.  People are so obsessed with insulting America; how many other countries are going to have videos that try to make everyone seem stupid?  Very few.

    What's the capital of Montana, Wyoming, and Texas?  If you don't know I could take that and run off saying all British people hate America but don't know anything about it, but I wouldn't because that would be ignorant of me, wouldn't it?

  6. None of the people I graduated from high school with 1962 would have missed more that 2 of those questions. WAKE UP AMERICA.  Most of these people are voters.

  7. There are a lot Americans that know what's going on in the world. I do. You Tube doesn't doesn't prove anything. That be like me saying whatever lame stereotype about the British that comes out is true. I could find my country, your country, any country in Great Britain and any country I am in. I can also tell you about my state. Just because there are some problems in American schools does not mean we are all the same.

  8. Americans know more about the world than any other country. That's because we have bailed them all out at one point in time or another including your country. Einstein.....

  9. Because school funding is based on test scores.  Teachers teach the test, not proper education anymore.  If geography were the biggest, most important part of the tests, then we'd be the best versed nation.  Since it isn't, we aren't.

  10. I would just like to say Jane goody!

    An excellent example of our school system who thought East Anglia was abroad.Doesn't it just makes us proud!

  11. In the several trips I have made through large parts of the USA I have met many very erudite and thoughtful Americans as well as a lot of people who did not impress me as even moderately well educated. I find, however, that Americans visiting Canada on average seem to be better educated than Americans on the  streets of major American cities. Perhaps that has to do with the fact that people who set out to travel are a bit different from the average in the mix.

    I can believe that groups of people like soldiers who are taken away from home may not be as different from the average as those who leave on their own initiative.

    Odd as this may seem I find that a lot of American farmers seem to have a better than average understanding of many things that I have studied.

    When visiting Cuba, I discovered that Cubans who speak English or French seemed to be better educated than those I had to talk to in Spanish. I get the impression that knowledge of several languages puts people in a better position to learn a lot of things. Yet I am not able to conclude whether those who do not might be simply less able to learn. It does not appear to be only the educational system alone that causes people to distinguish themselves.

  12. It is their poor education system!Based on tunnel vision aspects!

    For instance;They only talk about the wars they have won!But never the ones they have lost!

    To give you an example!They would not be able to tell you the date  when the British defeated them on the White House Lawn!!

    Over the years!I have found that Americans are very good at rewriting history!It would not surprise me if in 100 years time they said they won the Vietnam War!

  13. Yes you brits are so well educated,  especially on things like Princess Di..

  14. We maybe dumb as a rock but we have good teeth unlike the brit holes.

  15. Thats what happens when you are the only superpower left in the world. Everyone knows a lot about the US but little about every other country. Take anyone in a 3rd world country and ask them to point to the US and then point to Croatia.

  16. Why are the British the most insulting people on the planet and the biggest hatemongers constantly harping about things like coming late and putting you in debt?  Why do Brits love to spread hatred?

  17. Absolutely

    Americans (the MAJORITY) are the thickest narrow minded uncultured bunch of *******

    this planet is stained with their hollow plastic throw-away culture

    but im just jealous right :)


    and any american accusing brits of being clever, snooty, dentally unhygenic, diana obsessed, tea loving chums.... youre hilariously proving the scrap of knowledge of the world you have...

    oh oh i forgot the most common defence 'we saved your asses in ww2' lmao we made you WORSHIP US


    Surely americans are not that dumb. Surely not. I'm in shock right now.

  19. Because they are conditioned to believe that the world revolves around their pathetic imperialist aspirations and they don't know any better. Poor suckers! They're still queing up to buy snake oil from travelling salesmen. Too bad, the USA is already history.

  20. You don't have to prove it. Our schools have been monetarily cut back by Washington insisting they teach ridiculous subjects without any funding while money for subjects like geography have been left unfunded entirely. Congress then cut the capability of schools by insisting teachers over 62 retire. Those teachers that stay teaching in public schools are only those that couldn't pass tests to teach in private schools.

    As a result, the average child graduating from public schools is not as intelligent as the children that graduated from elementary schools 35 years ago.

    These cuts have made it possible for wealthy Americans to avoid taxes and Americans that aren't wealthy enough to be living within 30 miles of the rich.

  21. Perhaps it's because, like in many countries, the intelligent people end up further up in the army, or stay out of the army all together? Not everyone studies geography at school, and even those who do are allowed to forget, surely?

    Yes there are some americans who are arrogant, and stupid, and basically just tw*ts, (and a lot of them can be found on Y!A) but that doesn't mean we should tar them all with the same brush. As in any country, there are also a lot of people who are not like the typical american stereotype (some of them arn't even obese!! - shock to your brain though that may be).

    I've met many Americans who can't tell you where Austria is on a map, but only last week my friend (who is British) was attempting to tell me Egypt was in Europe, so.....

    There are intelligent and stupid people everywhere.

    oh, and by the way, nothing on youtube proves anything. use proper studies if you are going to accuse an entire nation of being stupid...

  22. Those are just the stupid ones.

  23. We do.

    It makes me sick that you're working with our troops.

    I'd never want to be in a foxhole with a Brit.

    Debbie, your comment that Americans are 'somewhat stupid' is not only hateful as well, but ridiculous.  How did 'somewhat stupid' Americans end up having the most successful, innovative country in the world?  Think about what you write, dear.

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