
Why don't Christians riot when a Catholic hispanic names their son "Jesus"?

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Stupid teddy bear...




  1. Jesus, or Yeshua, was always a common name in the Hebrew world. Why shouldn't it be in the Spanish world? We Anglos use the name Joshua, which is essentially the same name.

    The name that differentiates the Jesus we thilnk of from all other Jesus's the the world is Christ, meaning Savior or Redeemer of the world.

  2. Because we are civilized people

  3. Our God is called 'Dave' on Koosvane (Pluto).

    We object to all Dave's, but the one Dave.

    Anyone from Dustbin (Earth) that holidays on Koosvane and uses the name Dave, will be imprisoned for 15 of your days.

    And we will take your Teddy off you and scrunch it all up; bah! humbug!, so there!.

  4. Because they aren't as politically correct or as sensitive to minor little quibbles that have absolutely nothing to do with anything.  (For the record, most Muslims are like that too, but the really loud ones are the hyper-sensitives -- odd how they tend to have extremist leanings as well.)

  5. in Church's State you could have serious problems for it before Italy won the war against the Pope.

    Now in Vatican there are no families, only foreign priests, they protect all priest, even pedophilies and child molester from USA laws.

    but the difference between Catholic and Islam about that is that Islam has clear laws written in Quran, but not many state accept it as state's law (Sudan, does).  Catholics should just follow what the Pope and the Bishops say, and always obey.

    I'm Catholic, i don't like much that point but it's so.

  6. That is the measure of mentality we are dealing with.

    They are not in the same time

  7. Because Christianity is REALLY the religion of peace.

  8. Because it's pronounced hey sus,  not Jesus!

  9. What the h**l does it matter????

    btw... not that it matters, but..Jesus... is spanish for Jesse...

    You're right... stupid *** teddy bear.

  10. Most of them have more sense than that.

  11. Hey watch who you are calling stupid

    Besides Daves not home

  12. Because the majority of us are not mind numbingly barbaric.

    If someone acted like that in the Christian community, they would be shunned.

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