I love watching the British premier football (soccer) league and root for Chelsea, my brother is big on Westham and my other brother follows New Castle.
However, in the states, we also play American Football, 100-yard field, oval-shaped ball. Instead of kicking the ball towards the goal, the offense can either run with the ball towards the end zone or pass the ball in the air to another player on offense, hoping the pass in complete and not intercepted by a player on the other team.
If you run the ball all the way to the end zone, it's called a Touch Down. That's 6 points, plus an extra point opportunity to make it 7 points.
The defense has to tackle the player with the ball in possession. The offense gets 4 chances (4 downs) to carry the football more than 10 yards from the starting point or else the ball gets handed over to the other team.
It's also more complicated than that, you have penalties, punts, field goals (3 points).
Do you like American football?