
Why don't Germans do anything about the racist hate groups in Germany?

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And why do they ignore all the racist violence that happens in their country and why do German soccer fans yell out racist remarks when they play countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America.




  1. i am not sure.  it is shocking and disgusting and it shows that old ideas die slowly.  the germans of today are perhaps not that different than the germans of the 1930-1940s.  they may have a new government and be "democratic", but traditions, culture, ideas and so on do not change overnight.  there is still a lingering element here of right-wing madness and support and it is giving them a continued bad name.

  2. Ever made a poll what people in Arab countries, India, Pakistan and so on think about Germans - think they are much more positive about Germans then KKK drive f... Americanos

  3. You do not know Germany - therefore you shouldn´t ask those silly questions. ;-)

  4. Why don't Americans do anything about the racist hate groups in America?


  5. I live and have been living in Germany for several years. The only remotely problem the Germany have with racism with some Neo n***s that formed themselves into political parties. Recently in the town I lived in the NPD had a political rally. The city and state government tried to prevent this from happening but the German High court ruled that until the German constitution was changed if they could not prevent them from having their political convention. The citizens of this city held an anti Racist rally right outside the NPD convention. 700 Neo n***s attended the convention 24000 anti n***s peacefully protested their presence outside there convention center.

    Where you are getting this tripe I have no idea but Germany does more against racism than the majority of countries around the world.

    If you want to really see racism go to Africa. People still kill each other over race there on a daily basis, but somehow that is OK.

  6. What the h**l makes people believe that there's a lot of racism in Germany???? No one of my friends (and a few of my friends are black and/or from other countries) ever had problems with racism here in Germany. When does this agitation against Germany comes to an end?

  7. For the same reasons the English do it, the Americans do it, the French do it, the Italian do it, the Russians do it, the Turks do it, the Arabs do it, the South Africans do it, the Argentines do it, the Mexicans do it.

    Do you need a few more so you can feel good.

  8. Why do Americans ignore the violence in Detroit, Las Angles, New Orleans....Need I go on. This stuff happens everywhere. The majority of Germans don't want racists living next door. Sounds like your the racist against Germans.

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