
Why don't I ever feel tired at night before I finally get to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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I try to go to sleep early to get ready for school and no matter how long it is that I lay in bed bored,I can't get to sleep!Then I turn the tv on and figure "It'll get me to sleep faster and the time will go by faster.Plus I can turn it off when I feel really tired."Well it never works!Help me please!




  1. ugh! I so understand wat your saying! I have the same problem and we were talking about this is class, and the teachers said that you should never have soda before you go to sleep =[ dont get on the computer and your not supposed to watch t.v. either =[ I think just going to sleep a little earlier everyday should help yoou to get more used to going to sleep earlier thats what ive been doing and it seems to have helped! GOOD LUCK!

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