
Why don't I ever hear "Golddigger" on the radio anymore?

by  |  earlier

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i only heard it about a dozen times...when it came out so i still want to hear it....i am guessing a copywrite problem or something




  1. Cause this is a younger generation, they don't like our old time music.  :-(

  2. It's old and He's came out with better songs.

  3. I think it got less popular, but my dad still loves it!

  4. I hear it quite a bit.

  5. because it's an old song. Go buy it on iTunes or something. But yeah, I agree they used to play it a lot.

  6. because its an old song

  7. Old song, and Kanye West came out with a million better songs tht top golddigger bcuz Kanye is raw.

  8. b/c that song is played out!

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