
Why don't I get e-mail from 2 of the groups I am a member of? mirrixlooms and tapestrybeadweaving?

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Why don't I get e-mail from 2 of the groups I am a member of? mirrixlooms and tapestrybeadweaving?




  1. I think that the first thing you need to do is check your membership settings. You can check to either read postings on line only, receive a daily digest or receive all emails.

  2. You need to log in and check your settings, or email the moderator.

    You can be bouncing - where your email is rejecting the email from them.

    You may be set to no mail.

    You may have registered your yahoo account with one email, and be using another.

    Your email program may be sending it to your spam folder, or junk mail folder.

    There are lots of reasons. The moderator of the group can help you diagnose the problem.

  3. where site is mahyarghajar on yahoo

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